Ebelskivers with pecorino and honey
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27 Reviews
March 2, 2015
Abbie! I love the salty cheese/honey idea. I just made ebelskivers again this weekend and filled them with a variety of pairings on the request of the family (peanut butter/banana/chocolate, raspberry jam etc) and then just made them guess what they might get. But I love your combo especially since the pecorino is just a wee bit funky.
April 19, 2012
I've been meaning to ask, do you like octopus or squid? LE BIC FIN asked me a question about this pan: Ebilskiver pan--I too was really intrigued by this pan bucause it does look very similar to the takoyaki pan. Since it is a Danish pan, my husband thinks the Danes may have brought to Japan in their travels. Long history of Portugal influence here too. There is a recipe in food52 but I think it's someone's memory of the takoyaki. (And even though I eat sea vegetables everyday I don't like their idea of roasted seaweed on top- puts an alumium taste in my mouth.) I also thought the way aargesi described turning them is exactly the same as Takoyaki. I could send you a recipe if you are interested, I think the size of your ebelskivers is exactly the same.
March 2, 2015
This is a 4 years later response...but I used my ebelskiver pan to make the vietnamese banh khot. They are more like little cupcakes and I didn't quite get them right, but I intend to figure it out!
April 19, 2012
This is a wonderful savory application! I think I 'l take a glass of wine and skip the preference.
LeBec F.
April 4, 2012
gosh, i'm so PSYCHED!! I thought, from the name and photo, that these would be yeast based, but they're NOT! Now i can plunge in !; can't wait. And what a lovely photo.........
December 6, 2011
I have never heard of Ebelskivers, but it is my new favorite word. The recipe sounds wonderful too.
My P.
November 19, 2011
Yum! We make aebelskiver fairly often, but I have never thought to fill them with cheese. How fabulous! Thank you for the recipe.
August 4, 2011
I LOVE Aebelskivers! This is my Christmas morning breakfast every it from my ex-in-laws. I do mine with lil smokies and dip in maple syrup, simple yet satisfying.
December 24, 2010
I don't know how I went this long without ever having one of these they are great. The combo of the honey rosemary and cheese is so gooo-ooood.
December 28, 2010
Hey Tom - just saw this - I am glad you like them! New Years is coming - time for me to make a batch. And to be honest, eat 90% of them myself.
December 10, 2010
how delightful! i could eat these by the fistful! does CM sell soft pecorino?
December 16, 2010
Hi Arielle I just now saw this! Yes - CM has it - I literally give each kind a little squeeze - like the Charmin lady - and pick that way. And you know I BET a soft truffled pecorino would not suck ...
December 16, 2010
I almost signed up to test these, but the drink won out. Tom will do a stellar job as always. I will make these over the New Year for sure. And I have some white truffle oil that might work, too.
December 7, 2010
Oh man, these sound killer. I'll have to add an eberlskiver pan to my kugelhopf mold order.
January 2, 2010
My mother used to make ebelskivers...we thought they were sooo exotic. After reading your recipe, I am definitely dusting off the old pan!
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