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Avocado Toast
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56 Reviews
March 16, 2018
Best breakfast or snack ever! I use a seeded bread, toasted. Then top it with 1/2 smashed avocado, one hard boiled egg broken up, tomato slice and top it with Everything Bagel seasoning! Weight Watchers points 4! Thanks FOOD 52 for this and many other great recipes.
December 31, 2017
I love Za'atar and/or Sumac on my avocado toast. These two spices improve the taste of almost everything.
May 21, 2016
Connie, your suggestion of lemon juice tomato and onion makes it more a guacamole sensation. Tried it for breakfast but better for later in the day I'm thinking. This is a yummy favorite.
Connie P.
April 4, 2016
I add a small amount of lemon juice to the avocado. I top with thin sliced tomato and onion, then a over easy cooked egg. Yum!
Assonta W.
April 22, 2015
My new favorite afternoon meal...I add roasted chicken slices to it. It's just so decadent.
Stephanie S.
April 20, 2015
A favorite rendition: multi-grain bread topped with avocado mash, a sprinkling of salty cotija cheese and a big splash of tomatillo salsa.
April 14, 2015
In Durban, South Africa, the busiest stall at a local craft fair was pumping out thick slices of fresh bread topped with a schmeared avocado half. SaIt, pepper & chili sauce on the side table. The start of a new addiction! ALWAYS stand in line for the busy stalls!
Penny C.
September 10, 2014
For anyone thinking avo on toast is trendy; not true. My family has grown avocados for three generations and have been eating this throughout. Best if you can get a Fuerte avocado, though they are hard to come by these days.
May 5, 2014
Summertime...fresh tomato from the garden...a nice, thick slice atop good bread + creamy avocado & fresh cracked salt & pepper...*HEAVEN*!!!
Magdalene O.
March 31, 2014
I love toast with vegemite and avocado! The savouriness of the vegemite + cool creamy avocado on warm crunchy toast is AMAZING
March 23, 2014
The best combination for this that I've come up with up to date is avocado toast + roast red pepper & eggplant spread + smoked cheese, and then put in the microwave for half a minute or so for the cheese to melt... so amazing.
Karena D.
March 12, 2014
One of my favorite things to eat for breakfast. If I'm feeling extra healthy, I top it with pea sprouts and a little lemon juice.
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