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7 Reviews
Debbie B.
May 22, 2020
Just made this, and it really was delicious. I could have eaten the tempura all night. We ordered the scapes from the Isle of Wight Garlic Farm (UK) and they were pristine on arrival. You have to love garlic to appreciate this recipe, and it’s probably just as well for social distancing at the moment but I would definitely make this again 😊
August 9, 2014
Tempura Garlic Scapes, Day 5: Job unattended. Increasingly worried calls from boyfriend go unreturned. Showers become futile. Surely enlightenment is at hand; now contemplating founding a religious order based around garlic and batter. I'm not going back. I can never go back.
Alexandra S.
August 9, 2014
Oh my gosh, you are hilarious. Jobs, showers — overrated...but maybe give your boyfriend a buzz? Haha, I love it. Or don't. Love this comment.
des @.
August 1, 2014
Yumm! anything tempura is good, I am not sure how easy scapes are to get where i live but I'm sure some spring onions would work! Nice one!
Alexandra S.
August 9, 2014
Des, scapes are hard to find anywhere but at a farmers' market, and the season is pretty short — I think I saw them for about a month at my farmers' market and local co-op. But yes, as you say, anything tempura is good. I bet spring onions would be divine.
July 27, 2014
It's like you can read my mind and grant all my wishes *at the same time*. After I make this I'll report back (that is, if I haven't floated up to heaven).
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