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8 Reviews
Lizzie J.
May 1, 2021
We made this as an appetizer for a small dinner party. We used medjool dates instead of figs - not trying to be contrary, we just already had them! we used French feta (per recommendation from the cheese guy at the grocery store). we made balsamic reduction, but did not use it - it was cloyingly sweet :-( so we used normal aged balsamic instead. we forgot the herbs - oops! served it with pita points. it was FANTASTIC !! it was a big hit with everyone. and did I mention it was super easy?? SUCH a keeper. Thank you, Phyllis!!
June 4, 2018
How long does this keep once cooked? Would love to pre-roast the figs, save for a later date, then toss in feta, and bake to warm through and serve. It sounds wonderful and my figs are looking very nice and plump this year.
Phyllis G.
June 4, 2018
You can absolutely pre-roast and then save the figs for a later date. As you noted above, just add the feta at the end right before serving. The figs start to fall apart a bit more when reheated but that's not a problem.
December 24, 2015
You can freeze fresh, dried, and stewed figs next season to use all year. Make preserves or jams, too. My one young tree provided figs for all of the above. You don't have to wait a year then!
Your cookies are very good I'm sure, but it was your witty anecdotes that were so pleasing to me.
Your cookies are very good I'm sure, but it was your witty anecdotes that were so pleasing to me.
September 28, 2014
I will search down figs tomorrow. I do not care the price, this is a beautiful recipe in my opinion, I adore figs to the point that I will make myself sick eating so many in one sitting, I have everything else in or near the kitchen. And, since it is apple time, why not do this with apples? And, since it is wild mushroom time very, very soon, why not a riff with wild mushrooms? If I could trade you apples for this recipe I would, believe me. Our trees are loaded and the ravens are perching on every tree limb, calling to one another, mocking me and my pail.
Phyllis G.
November 6, 2014
Love all of the ways you can riff on this recipe. Thanks for the inspiration!
Love all of the ways you can riff on this recipe. Thanks for the inspiration!
Robert F.
September 28, 2014
I don't know if the recipe is any good, but the story about the apples and the kid is wonderful.
Phyllis G.
November 6, 2014
Thank you, Robert. The story warms my heart. Glad you like it. The recipe is pretty good too. Though I will now have to wait another year to make it again.
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