Creamed Spinach and Parsnips
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27 Reviews
Amy O.
December 25, 2019
This was very good; my Mom especially liked it. :) I skipped the step of blanching the spinach; it didn't seem necessary.
November 24, 2018
Fantastic dish! I used Swiss chard, instead of spinach, since that's what was fresh at the farmers' market in NYC around Thanksgiving. Super substitute. I'm inclined to think perhaps even better than had I used spinach...
Zara G.
January 31, 2017
I made this into a sort of main dish by adding some sausage and serving it over Israeli couscous. Might sound a bit strange but it was delicious.
February 8, 2016
Do you think frozen spinach would work here or would it just be mush? (in a bad way? mush can still be good)
Vivian N.
December 30, 2015
Well... I made this dish on Christmas Day for my family and friends (I was the vegetable provider!) I followed it to the letter except for adding chopped carrots. It was extraordinary! So much so that guests were more into seconds of it than of prime rib, Yorkshire pudding, and vichyssoise! I have NEVER scored such a vegetable triumph before, and I earnestly and gratefully thank the creators of this recipe!
December 25, 2015
My parsnips became fully cooked and borderline mushy just after the par-boiling step :/
Susan C.
April 22, 2015
I made this again, using chicken broth instead of cream for the sauce, which was delicious and a bit lighter. Remarkably similar in taste.
Susan C.
April 19, 2015
I used large but tender, over-wintered parsnips (no woody core) and sautéed them in a bit of butter until tender. Moved them to a plate and used the same pan to sauté the onions, make the sauce, etc. Delicious, and almost a 1-pan dish.
November 4, 2014
Would you be able to make this in advance and re-heat?
Feed M.
November 6, 2014
Yes, absolutely! I make a version of this every Thanksgiving and make it 2 days in advance. If you're going to reheat it, make sure you use leafy spinach- I've used packaged baby spinach and reheated the dish but it doesn't hold up as well (the spinach falls apart a little)- still good, but the texture won't be as toothsome.
Angie S.
October 28, 2014
The picture above the recipe has corn in it...?
Feed M.
October 28, 2014
It's actually a Food 52 image- but I'm assuming that it's just the onion. There's no corn in the recipe...
Lauren K.
October 28, 2014
I was at the office the day they made it (and ate a lot of it) and can confirm that it is the onions! But if you added corn, I wouldn't be mad.
October 26, 2014
Is it necessary to parboil the parsnips? Why not just roast them only? I have had luck with carrots and parsnips in this manner before.
Feed M.
October 26, 2014
I find that parsnips have a woodier core than carrots so I like to parboil them so that their exteriors don't dry out before the insides are tender. But feel free to skip this step if you've had success with it before!
Emily |.
October 25, 2014
Honey-butter roasted parsnips sound amazing. Looking forward to trying this one!
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