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Ramps with Romesco
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7 Reviews
June 7, 2020
We're making this romesco for the fourth time this spring. It's that good! I haven't been able to get my hands on ramps this year, so we've been using it with other grilled vegetables. I always end up adding a bit more sherry vinegar than the recipe calls for.
April 8, 2017
There is a description of a fiesta each spring dedicated to prolific ramps in In my Catalonia (as in Spain) cookbook. No holds barred as each group is taken off the hot grate, first come first served. The desire for the ramps seems similar to overnights at a new iPhone release. In one of the worst of two grocery stores in our town, HEB, there are "spring onions" but look more like a large green scallion but, the leaves are different from you picture of ramps. After asking how to cook them...why, on the grill! We would have a 170 mile round trip to find true ramps and not very successful!
April 8, 2017
There is a description of a fiesta each spring dedicated to prolific ramps in In my Catalonia (as in Spain) cookbook. No holds barred as each group is taken off the hot grate, first come first served. The desire for the ramps seems similar to overnights at a new iPhone release. In one of the worst of two grocery stores in our town, HEB, there are "spring onions" but look more like a large green scallion but, the leaves are different from you picture of ramps. After asking how to cook them...why, on the grill! We would have a 170 mile round trip to find true ramps and not very successful!
April 27, 2010
Thanks! The would be good though not as special with scallions or big spring onions or baby leeks..still working in getting those pics up.
April 27, 2010
This sounds great. No ramps to be had at last weekends farm markets near me, though.
April 27, 2010
I was going to do something very similar for this challenge, but I don't have my hands on any ramps yet...great idea!
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