Ofra's Spicy Fried Eggplant
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4 Reviews
Renee B.
August 4, 2015
Sounds easy and looks delicious. How is this served? Is it a side, an entree (with rice?) or a condiment?
Michael H.
August 4, 2015
I like it as a side dish, either "mezze" style, with a bunch of different small dishes, or next to grilled meat or fish.
August 18, 2010
This dish was made by my Lebanese father-in-law for me. I love how it is a great and easy vegan recipe! I just prepare the red wine vinegar sauce all together with the jalapenos chopped up nice and small within it and then like you said, pour it over the freshly fried eggplant for marinating. The only difference, I use at least 3-4 cloves of garlic to combat that fresh jalapeno hotness, but I love it cause garlic is just great for you and it keeps me from getting the cold or flu from my work (I'm a teacher)!
Michael H.
August 19, 2010
I'm glad to hear this dish reminded you of a food from your past, too! And thanks for reminding me of this recipe; it's the time of year to make it again.
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