
Mushroom Carpaccio

May 16, 2016
0 Ratings
Photo by Annie stader
  • Serves 4-6 generously
Author Notes

I saw this on the Julia Child series where she cooked with various chefs. This is a Martha Stewart recipe that I make as my go-to side for potlucks. It is simple and elegant and always wows. —Annie stader

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  • 2 Fennel bulbs
  • 4 Very fresh large white mushrooms
  • 1/4 lb. Parmagiano Reggiano cheese
  • 4 tablespoons Good quality extra virgin Olive Oil
  • 1/2 Lemon juiced
  • Kosher salt
  • Fresh cracked black pepper
  1. Cut off green tops and slice bottom off of fennel bulbs. Slice very thin preferably with a mandolin. Place slices on plate. Drizzle with half of the lemon juice 1/3 of the oil. Season with salt and pepper.
  2. Lightly rinse mushrooms. Slice as thin as possible with a mandolin or very sharp knife. Dress as you did with the fennel.
  3. Slice the Parm with a vegetable peeler and cover mushrooms. Again drizzle with oil and lemon juice and season with salt and pepper.
  4. Keep the salad at room and serve within an hour.
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2 Reviews

Annie S. May 18, 2016
dymnyo this is my version of a MS recipe. But the inspiration is hers. I use the same formula for many other combinations. For those who don't like mushrooms I use celery, Granny Smith apple and Ricotta Salata. I sometimes use interesting vinegars instead of the lemon juice. But I think keeping it simple and using the best ingredients is the key.
Thank you for your interest.
dymnyno May 17, 2016
This recipe sounds fabulous, but you gave all the credit to Martha. What did you do to make it your own recipe. It looks beautiful.