Queen Of Siam Orzo Stew
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18 Reviews
March 30, 2011
this is great. holy basil is impossible to find where i live so i subbed a combo of tarragon (who knew?) and cilantro and it's delish!
July 12, 2010
Yum! I'm saving this...
MyCommunalTable: Have you ever tried Bragg Liquid Aminos to replace fish sauce? I've used it as a fish sauce substitute when cooking for vegetarian friends and have had good results.
MyCommunalTable: Have you ever tried Bragg Liquid Aminos to replace fish sauce? I've used it as a fish sauce substitute when cooking for vegetarian friends and have had good results.
July 12, 2010
Yeah, thanks for the tip. I have seen this in store, but didn't even know what it was for. I will try it out. It is a relief to know there is a safe alternative. I will let you know how it turns out. What else to you use it for?
July 13, 2010
Actually, I first used it as a soy sauce substitute (before I discovered wheat free tamari) when my husband was diagnosed with Celiac.
July 13, 2010
I have used Braggs before in other recipes. I find it extremely salty, which isn't a problem if you are using it to season a dish at the table, just a sprinkle. What I find is if you cook with it and it reduces it overpowers everything. MCT I think I would just use a little soy, and add some extra lime juice or if you have Kaffir lime leaves give them a try. Just a note look at your red curry paste ingredients list because it often contains fish sauce.
July 13, 2010
MCT, thirschfeld is right, Braggs is salty...but at least you have another safe alternative for your son to experiment with...if not in this application than perhaps another.
July 13, 2010
I think that I will make this and divid it in half and use both products. (Braggs and anchovie paste) and I will see what I like better. I have some anchovie paste, but now I am curious about Braggs. I will let you all know.
July 8, 2010
Wow, this sounds great and easy. My favorite ingredient in thai cooking is the lemongrass and basil combo. My son is allergic to shell fish, so I can not use fishsauce. Any suggestions? It seems like a needed flavor component. Now he can have fish, not shellfish.
July 8, 2010
I use Squid brand fish sauce which is anchovies, salt and sugar a lot of people use three crabs but I think it has high fructose corn syrup in it
July 8, 2010
Good to have the brand names. The one that I have at home is written in Vietamese, so I could not tell what the ingredients were. I have a great Thai and Vietamese shopping area here in Chicago, but sometimes communication is a little difficult. I never let my son eat there, because it is just not worth the risk. Making my own is the only way I can have it. So what do you think of light coconut milk? I have made coconut rice with it and enjoyed it, but have not really cooked with the light.
July 8, 2010
I am not sure they don't just dilute the lite with water. I have heard good things about it bit I have not used it. I usually only add about half of what a recipe calls for anyway.
March 5, 2014
These days, canned coconut milk is so deceptively rich that I was surprised to learn (Charmaine Solomon?) that lots of curry dishes (Thai etc.) that call for a can of straight coconut milk can be made with coconut milk mixed 50/50 with water and turn out just fine. They are still creamy and rich tasting.
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