Make Ahead
Roasted Squash, Potatoes and Brusslies with Fresh Herbs, Aromatics and Vinegar
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36 Reviews
Blair C.
August 27, 2023
This was quite a disappointing recipe. My family loves roasted potatoes, squash and Brussel sprouts but not one of us liked this dish at all! We threw it away. None of the flavors enhanced the others, with the spicing actually detracting from veggie flavors. Now I'm second guessing other recipes from this site.
October 12, 2015
Could you freeze this? I have a pound of brussel sprouts and squash left so I was thinking of making this and freezing it to accompany future roast meats, would it hold up well?
October 12, 2015
charliebarlie, I would not freeze it. Those vegetables just don't hold up that well when roasted. Sorry I can't be of more help. Have you thought of posting a question to the Hotline, to get ideas from other members as to how you might best make use of those ingredients? I'm sure you'll get some good ideas! Cheers. ;o)
November 20, 2010
I LOVE this colorful medley!
November 21, 2010
Thank you! Not sure still how I feel about use of the term "medley." I seem to remember that when I first met Mr. T, he would occasionally buy frozen "mixed vegetables" that had "medley" in the product name. Oh well . . . .whatever . . . . ;o)
Rita B.
November 20, 2010
I'm drooling!! This dish is wonderful!! And I love Brussels sprouts!!
November 21, 2010
Thank you so much, Rita! I love "Brusslies" (a name my mother used for them, when I was growing up), too. I've never paired the sort-of-spicy Brusslies with the sort-of-sweet butternut squash, but now I'm hooked. ;o)
Mr. T.
November 18, 2010
I have had this twice now in recent weeks. I must say that it's quite good. There is a problem here, however. The dish is excellent but the name is horrible. Calling it "hash" makes it seem so drab, when it is anything but drab. I hope this oversight will be corrected at your earliest convenience. Thank you.
November 18, 2010
Okay, I changed it to "Medley," as you suggested, but frankly, "medley" evokes mediocre, mind-numbing music written for a high school band . . . but I guess that's better than being drab. I agree, this dish is not drab. Thanks! ;o)
November 19, 2010
Maybe readers should be let in on your "secret identity" as I happen to know you are AJ's #1 fan! "Hash" or "medley", it looks incredibly good...
November 19, 2010
LOL! I like "melange". I agree with your assessment of "medley" sounds too musical...and "hash" rhymes with smash for good reason. Whatever you call it, AJ, it sounds delicious! Have a great Thanksgiving, Mr. T and AJ and all the bears!
November 21, 2010
Melange? Sounds so sophisticated. Not so high-school-band music-ish. (Can you tell I played in a high school band, suffering through enough truly mediocre music for a lifetime, most of it in the form of medleys?) Thank you, dymnyno, TiggyBee and Lizthechef, and a happy T-Day to you and all of yours, as well! ;o)
November 17, 2010
This looks just delicious! And I love the colorfulness of the dish too.
November 17, 2010
Thank you! Yes, we love the colors, too. And how it tastes . . . . having some for lunch, in fact. ;o)
November 17, 2010
Oh yes! In fact, this would go on some toast for breakfast!! : )
November 17, 2010
Sounds good! Definitely good for breakfast, or lunch, or a snack . . . . ;o)
November 17, 2010
This is RIGHT up my alley, I will definitly try it soon! Beautiful photo too.
November 17, 2010
Oh, yum. I'd like a nicely poached egg on top!
November 17, 2010
Thank you, and yes, this is just begging for an egg of some kind on top or at least on the same plate. Leftovers for breakfast is the name of the game. Though that combo would be great for lunch or dinner, too! ;o)
November 16, 2010
I love this...I can imagine beating up some eggs, adding to the mix and making an amazing frittata!
November 17, 2010
Thanks and yes, I've done that a few times already and can vouch that you're absolutely right. Eggs + this, followed by some autumn fruit and a slice of cheese = a great meal. ;o)
November 16, 2010
Like both versions of your dish, with and without the prosciutto!
November 17, 2010
Thank you, LTC! I'm drooling over that caramelized onion recipe, BTW. I'll comment there -- on that recipe -- in more detail. ;o)
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