Mike’s Famous Fried Eggs
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18 Reviews
Bert G.
December 21, 2022
The greatest fried egg I ever had in my life was when I was a Peace Corps Rural Construction Volunteer Trainee in Togo. There were 6 of us in our group up country and a cook made us fried eggs for breakfast. They were deep fried in a vat of palm oil with superbly crispy edges and a sublime interior. That said, the best food of my life was had in my years in Togo, this was just the beginning!
Hoo I.
July 31, 2022
"Genius Recipe"? This is just an article pointing out how eggs are done in many other regions and why it might be a worthwhile alternative if you aren't familiar with it. Useful for some, but genius? No! And it's hardly worth calling a recipe....
February 19, 2022
This is actually how a lot of Filipinos fry eggs! And is a big part of breakfast along with garlic fried rice (called "sinangag") and a meat — milkfish ("bangus") or longganisa or tocino.
January 3, 2022
These eggs are how my dad used to cook my eggs when I was a little bitty girl. I always asked for his Lacey eggs. Drove my mom crazy because she never was up to see how he did them and I couldn't describe it better than they were Lacey, full of edges that seemed to be made of crispy lace. And Dad wouldn't share his technique, the devil!
January 3, 2022
I think what I learned here is get the pan smoking hot first. A lot of recipes say to use medium heat because a lot of recipes use butter.
Also, I think I need a new, thinner, metal spatula. The silicone one I use often rips the egg and in realizing it’s probably too fat / sticky. Again they recommend silicone because of Teflon pans. But by using cast iron and avocado oil solves both problems
Also, I think I need a new, thinner, metal spatula. The silicone one I use often rips the egg and in realizing it’s probably too fat / sticky. Again they recommend silicone because of Teflon pans. But by using cast iron and avocado oil solves both problems
January 3, 2022
Ummmmmmm CANOLA OIL?! Use avocado,coconut,butter,olive…..anything BUT canola!
December 29, 2021
I use brown butter, med-high heat. As soon as the egg hits the spread out the white with a butter knife. Salt and fresh pepper. Flip once set, gently press the white with a spatula, I also press around the edges of the yolk to rid any “snot”.
James C.
December 22, 2021
Love crispy fried eggs. I make them according to some recipes that call them "Spanish" fried eggs. It's more like deep-frying (I use a small, shallow 1 qt pot), the eggs need to be dropped into the oil. I get the oil to 375, drop it in (be very careful here), baste and let cook for 40 seconds, fish out with slotted spoon. Lotsa crispy and gooey all at once. It's perfect. The high heat and amount of oil are the downside -- it can be a bit daunting, there's splatter, and you need to be careful. But it's worth it. So I should probably try this technique when I'm feeling like less hassle...
November 12, 2021
As much as I love a fried egg in oil, I like them even more basted in white wine vinegar. Crispy and tangy.
November 13, 2021
Yeow! When poaching an egg folks often add vinegar to the water to help coagulate the white and prevent it from spreading out in the bottom of the simmering water. But I'm the opposite of you... and can't take the vinegar taste or kitchen odor! So I use a small strainer to strain my eggs before poaching, removing the loose white strands before dropping the eggs into the simmering water.
To each their own!
To each their own!
October 5, 2021
Wow I have been making eggs like that since I was very young. My father showed me how to fry them. I never flip them no need. Since you have all the oil in the pan just baste them like you would a steak is a lot quicker and less spatter... I like the idea of fried toast...I used to toast them on a dry pan ...I'll try it with olive oil... also I notice the olive oil you used that brand is so should try corto olive oil its out of this world......
October 4, 2021
These eggs are fantastic and easy to make. Thanks Mike for making this my new way to fry eggs. Thanks Kristen for the video and this is a Genius recipe!
andrea N.
October 2, 2021
These eggs are amazing!! Followed the instructions and they came out great.
September 29, 2021
Mike uses plenty of oil. Try basting them instead of flipping them. YUM
September 29, 2021
I love these style eggs with a crispy edge and a runny yoke!
There is a very similar thing called a Spanish Fried Egg. It uses a bit more oil and does not require a flip. Timing is SO key. I use the stopwatch feature on my phone.
• Heat about 1/4" olive oil to just smoking; about 400F.
• Slip the egg (or 2) from a small bowl into the oil. It is going to spatter and pop a lot! I use a spatter screen, which I have to lift aside for the next step:
• At 30 seconds, quickly ladle some oil from the pan on any uncooked white, avoiding the yoke.
• Remove the egg(s) from the pan at 1 minute 15 seconds.
There is a very similar thing called a Spanish Fried Egg. It uses a bit more oil and does not require a flip. Timing is SO key. I use the stopwatch feature on my phone.
• Heat about 1/4" olive oil to just smoking; about 400F.
• Slip the egg (or 2) from a small bowl into the oil. It is going to spatter and pop a lot! I use a spatter screen, which I have to lift aside for the next step:
• At 30 seconds, quickly ladle some oil from the pan on any uncooked white, avoiding the yoke.
• Remove the egg(s) from the pan at 1 minute 15 seconds.
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