Scallop and Fennel Pasta in Lime Butter Sauce
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12 Reviews
May 8, 2017
Loved this! I never would have thought of lime, but it was perfect! Cooking the shallots and fennel, I used 5 T olive oil and a pat of butter. To cook the scallops, I used 1 T butter and 1 T olive oil. Before cooking the scallops, I also sprinkled with just a bit of cayenne on both sides. I used 3/4 lb spaghetti and that was plenty. Next time, I may use more shallots and fennel. This was both refreshing and filling. Thank you!
March 19, 2013
Whoa! How did I not notice this when you first posted it?! This looks fabulous HLA!
March 19, 2013
Thanks, 5&S! It must've flown in under the radar. I'll admit it's tasty, and makes a pretty fancy/special weeknight supper. (In my mind anything with scallops is fancy and special!)
March 19, 2013
I'm so glad to see this. It sounds delicious and I can't wait to try it.
March 19, 2013
Thank you, F_m! If you like scallops, fennel, and lime I think you'll like it.
Plum P.
January 24, 2011
This looks delicious! I absolutely love lemon pasta and have never tried it with lime. I bet the lime, mustard, and fennel is delicious. I can't wait to try it!
January 24, 2011
Thanks! Your Greek Style Baked Shrimp and Creamy Orzo sounds awesome.
January 22, 2011
OH! you really do love scallops and fennel. We must be on the same track...I made mine for dinner last night and just got around to posting it . I hadn't seen yours until you commented on my recipe. Sounds delicious. I love lime butter.
January 22, 2011
One of my favorite things about this site is how people can start with very similar ingredients and come up with such different dishes - it's cooking synchronicity!
January 22, 2011
I have been slow to appreciate fennel but am warming to it - time to pair it with scallops, just about my favorite seafood. Thanks for another terrific recipe - thumbs up!
January 22, 2011
Thanks, Liz. I'm glad you're warming up to fennel. I love it cooked or raw. Scallops are my absolute favorite seafood. I honestly can't understand how some people don't like them, to me they are heaven!
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