Smokey Red Pepper Risotto with Pimentón
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10 Reviews
January 22, 2019
My family really enjoyed this Spanish riff on risotto. I did feel the rice retained a bit too much bite. Normally I find the optimal rice/liquid ratio is 1/4 so that would have meant a quart and a half of broth instead of a quart, for 1.5 cups of Arborio rice. I used Manchego instead of Parmesan to continue with the Spanish influence. I served with Manchego-Stuffed Shishito peppers (Eating Well magazine January 2019) and there were NO leftovers!
September 23, 2011
I enjoyed this recipe, however I had to make a few adjustments to the sauce. At first, it wasn't a sauce at all - just cooked peppers, onions, and tomatoes. Then I added some stock to it (which wasn't mentioned) and this helped a little. Turned out that once I mixed the red pepper mixture with the risotto, it didn't make much of a difference. My only disappointment was my basil went bad before I could use it! Thank for the recipe!
September 23, 2011
And, I fully disagree with Lizthechef. I thought the tomato to red pepper ratio was fine. I even added more!
April 2, 2010
This is a first for me. I tested and rejected your risotto for an EP, and, spurred on by food52, who encouraged to tell you why. First of all, I bow to your fresh talent and could be your grandmother. I bought fresh pimenton and cayenne, but the spice caught me in the back of my throat as bitter as I tasted the dish. Further, it didn't really deliver what I want in a veggie risotto. My husband, for example, a non-foodie, said, "This tastes too tomato-y." I added some cream and it was a beautiful side dish to my crisply roasted chicken. I hope I am not offending you. I truly gave this my best shot and wanted an EP for you, not that you need it. I welcome your response and/or critique if I get back there again. in any category. Best, Lizthechef
January 27, 2021
Thank you for your honest review. I was skeptical, now I am sure . Too much spice too little veg
October 2, 2009
YUM. I will definitely be trying this soon - I have a ton of grilled red peppers to use up.
Cara E.
October 2, 2009
Looks beautiful and delicious! And I'm so glad you finally made this after a week of considering it. I kind of thought you were all talk.
Kelsey B.
October 2, 2009
This looks great, the perfect combination of risotto w/ Spanish flavors. I love pimenton and use it a lot in soup.
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