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Clara P.
July 19, 2013
But potatoes just arrived in Europe after the discovery of the America, which was in the very end of the medieval age... shouldn't be turnips instead?
June 2, 2013
I was so excited to stumble on this link until I read how ineptly you characterized the Middle Ages. I understand you're young, but the sweeping mischaracterizations that opens this article are insulting to readers who might study this incredible period for a living, and I'm surprised this ground wasn't covered on the first day of your class. The Tuscan onion confit looks fantastic, though.
May 28, 2013
"Weird, creepy art:" are you serious? Brunelleschi, of the Duomo in Florence? Giotto, Donatello, Fra Angelico? Editors, this story might have benefitted from a little more time on the drawing board, and perhaps a different theme for what I am sure was a lovely dinner. Warm congratulations on your graduation, Brette.
May 29, 2013
The artists you mention are all associated with the Renaissance--the rise "out" of the Western medieval era/Dark Ages.
May 29, 2013
If the Medieval era extended from generally the 5th to the 15th centuries, those who painted in the 1400's may have been on the cusp of the very early Renaissance, yet still technically within the Medieval era.
May 30, 2013
I -- and many other historians -- would argue against accepting a description of the years between the fall of the Roman empire and the rise of Italian humanism as the "Dark Ages." That term, like the terms "medieval," "Gothic," and "renaissance," was coined in 15th-C Italy as a way of putting down the centuries between the fall of Rome and the rise of the soi-disant "renaissance" humanism. Similarly many of the standards that are now considered the mark of good art, literature, etc., were developed for the express purpose of making the "Middle Ages" look barbaric. Don't believe it.
(why yes, I do have a few degrees in history, why do you ask? :P )
(why yes, I do have a few degrees in history, why do you ask? :P )
May 28, 2013
Even though these recipes may not be totally authentic to the medieval time period, I really love this dinner party menu! Thank you, Brette, for sharing. And a belated congratulations to you on the occasion of your college graduation!
Alicia V.
May 28, 2013
This looks awesome and kudos to you for the research and keeping it all... Plausible. There is a very large (international) group dedicated to Re-Creating the Middle Ages called the Society for Creative Anachronism. SCA. Information can be found at SCA.org. As a New Yorker I believe you reside in the Province of Ostgardr and contact people can be found here http://www.ostgardr.org/people/contacts.php
These people are an un-tapped wealth of period food knowledge. I highly reccomend.
Alicia Van De Kop
known in society as
Lady Gwyneth Blackthorne of House Hunter
Barony of Three Mountains in the Kingdom of AnTir
These people are an un-tapped wealth of period food knowledge. I highly reccomend.
Alicia Van De Kop
known in society as
Lady Gwyneth Blackthorne of House Hunter
Barony of Three Mountains in the Kingdom of AnTir
Bubba M.
May 27, 2013
geez...give brette a break here...she is a college student making the transition to adult....maybe she didn't major in history? I would be high fiving my college kids if they put together this menu...and executed it close to acceptable...heck, I would marry my wife again, if she did the same!
May 27, 2013
... I hate to be "that person," but this menu really disappoints me. Or rather, the fact that it's labeled "Medieval Feast" really disappoints me. "Medieval cuisine" is a thing, sort of like "Indian cuisine" and "Chinese cuisine" are things, and as with Indian and Chinese cuisine, there are aesthetics, theories of health and nutrition, and local tastes underpinning it. This doesn't reflect anything medieval (and as others have noted, includes anachronistic ingredients like potatoes and baking powder).
There is a vast body of very accessible research into medieval foodways and cooking available; it would have been great to see Food52 dip into some of that. Or at least not label this "Medieval Feast."
There is a vast body of very accessible research into medieval foodways and cooking available; it would have been great to see Food52 dip into some of that. Or at least not label this "Medieval Feast."
May 27, 2013
And since I feel bad complaining without offering something constructive, too, may I suggest medievalcookery.com as a very good resource for actual medieval recipes?
Brette W.
May 27, 2013
Hi NoraMunro,
SO appreciate this! I actually spent a few months researching medieval foods for school, and I know that these recipes aren't exactly "authentic" -- these recipes were actually already on Food52. I was just drawing a spirited menu out of our current recipes. I've tested a bunch of medieval recipes from cookbooks of the time, and sadly none of them were delicious enough to share here!
SO appreciate this! I actually spent a few months researching medieval foods for school, and I know that these recipes aren't exactly "authentic" -- these recipes were actually already on Food52. I was just drawing a spirited menu out of our current recipes. I've tested a bunch of medieval recipes from cookbooks of the time, and sadly none of them were delicious enough to share here!
May 28, 2013
I think this menu looks delicious. It's just that, as I said, it doesn't reflect the medieval culinary aesthetic, and I was disappointed that you decided to call it a "medieval" feast. "Medieval-inspired" would have been better.
I'm glad to hear you looked into some medieval recipes. I encourage you to keep looking -- there are in fact many that are delicious enough to share. If I can shill for my own cooking, let me suggest you check out my redaction of a 14th-C French recipe for chicken in orange sauce (blogged at http://damenora.blogspot.com/2010/11/feast-for-eyes-is-fine-repast.html). It's excellent, if I do say so myself. I don't have it on Food52 because I've had issues adding recipes here -- something about the site doesn't seem to like my browser, so I get annoyed and stop trying after a while.
I think this menu looks delicious. It's just that, as I said, it doesn't reflect the medieval culinary aesthetic, and I was disappointed that you decided to call it a "medieval" feast. "Medieval-inspired" would have been better.
I'm glad to hear you looked into some medieval recipes. I encourage you to keep looking -- there are in fact many that are delicious enough to share. If I can shill for my own cooking, let me suggest you check out my redaction of a 14th-C French recipe for chicken in orange sauce (blogged at http://damenora.blogspot.com/2010/11/feast-for-eyes-is-fine-repast.html). It's excellent, if I do say so myself. I don't have it on Food52 because I've had issues adding recipes here -- something about the site doesn't seem to like my browser, so I get annoyed and stop trying after a while.
May 27, 2013
I love this menu...but edit your timeline...a mid-nineteenth century party would be the mid-1800's...a medieval party would be 11th-14th century.
Kenzi W.
May 27, 2013
I believe she was talking about our April Fools' gag this year, which was when our site turned into 1852 -- it's linked through.
May 27, 2013
Turkeys are native to North and South America, continents still unknown to Medieval Europe.
A little OT but I ate in a restaurant in St. Remy that served ancient Roman cuisine. I can't vouch for its authenticity but it was not French or Italian and definitely introduced new flavors to its patrons.
A little OT but I ate in a restaurant in St. Remy that served ancient Roman cuisine. I can't vouch for its authenticity but it was not French or Italian and definitely introduced new flavors to its patrons.
Kenzi W.
May 27, 2013
Every year in high school I went to a Renaissance fair with my class, and we'd speak latin and wear things with billowy sleeves. So when are we planning this feast?
Marian B.
May 27, 2013
Turkey legs! I mean turkey legs. Also, I feel like this should have something to do with Game of Thrones.
Kenzi W.
May 27, 2013
I don't remember any turkey legs (shame on them), but I do remember grape juice in goblets.
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