Sautéed hen of the woods and king trumpet mushrooms with garlic and fresh thyme
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4 Reviews
October 11, 2015
A neighbor presented me with a bag of these freshly picked from she won't tell me. Happy to find your recipe. How delicious they are.
April 21, 2011
I have just joined the The Mycological Association of Washington (DC) and I am looking forward to having someone “officially” instruct me on mushrooms. Last fall there was an old Oak tree on the grounds of the National Cathedral, across from our little apartment, and I was sure the base was covered in ‘Hen of the Woods’ mushrooms. I didn’t try them, for fear of the worst. So once I know for sure, this is a recipe that is sure to go into my rotation.
April 21, 2011
Thank you. Your personal supply of hen of the woods on the grounds of the Cathedral - that would be nice!
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