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Vanilla Fig Scones
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35 Reviews
Nicole C.
August 9, 2016
Alright. This recipe has changed my life. I had to modify it the first time I tried, and have been using that ever since: 1 cup greek yogurt instead of heavy cream, creme fraiche, and milk, no figs (I usually don't have them on hand) and 1/2 cup sugar (instead of 1/3). I make them, freeze them, and pop a couple right the oven in the morning for a treat. 350, 20mins. They come out perfect every time.
d W.
March 31, 2016
HaHaHa. Just saw the remark from P. Hartmann. Comment is funny, stereo typed by surname. I lived in Europe for 7 years and scones were made differently in families in different countries of the UK. Most were less sweet than in the US, but those that did business with the tourists made them sweeter. We all change the recipes to suit our taste. My gram made berry scones for me and I was the only one she made them for. Thanks, Gram. RIP.
October 1, 2015
So if we freeze them, what are the instructions? Thaw then bake or bake frozen? How long to thaw?
October 6, 2015
No need to thaw them. Put them frozen directly on a baking sheet and bake them the same as you regularly would, they will just take around 10 minutes longer.
Jimmy H.
January 23, 2015
Might be nice to throw in a few chunks of candied ginger as well. Sounds yummy.
January 13, 2015
Could you modify this for 1. Fresh fruit? 2. A substitution for creme fraiche? Thanks!
January 22, 2015
Hi Nancy. I think you could use fresh fruit in place of dried without really changing anything. You'd just have to incorporate it carefully, and just watch as you are adding liquid and add just enough. You could use Greek yogurt or sour cream in place of the creme fraiche.
June 9, 2014
I made the recipe and tasted really good. I want to know if the recipe can be alternated in order to use fresh figs. I have a fig tree in my yard that produce a lot of it.
Thank toy in advance!
I made the recipe and tasted really good. I want to know if the recipe can be alternated in order to use fresh figs. I have a fig tree in my yard that produce a lot of it.
Thank toy in advance!
March 23, 2014
These are so very tasty -- the bourbon really adds a great flavor. My husband-from-Ireland thinks so too!
March 20, 2014
I don't know how I missed this recipe! I love scones and figs and can hardly wait to try these - they sound delicious. Thanks!!
Patricia H.
February 27, 2014
Eat a real scone in Scotland-they're supposed to be hard and hearty, not fluffy or light or crusty or crispy. Don't call it a scone if it ain't one.
February 28, 2014
Was this comment really necessary? Perhaps, just as there are a multitude of various types of cakes that are vastly different, there is also more than one kind of scone, and room in the world for all and people who love them.
February 28, 2014
It's too bad you couldn't have offered your opinion in an educational or, at least, kind way. Emily's vanilla-fig scones are absolutely delicious, one of my favorite recipes from this entire site. Just because you don't like the style doesn't mean the recipe isn't a good one. Frankly, hard anything doesn't sound real good.
April 13, 2013
Emily, these are just so awesome. I love them! Great recipe that I make repeatedly!
April 13, 2013
Aw, thank you so much Em. I'm so pleased that you've been loving them. I loooove them as a weekend treat. :)
November 26, 2012
maybe the best scones I have ever made (and I've made a few) light and ethereal...except I've eaten 3 so those words won't apply to me pretty soon!
November 13, 2012
made and really enjoyed these this past weekend! lighter than air!! only thing i'd do differently next time is add more figs. the bourbon is great!
November 14, 2012
Yay! I'm so glad you tried the scones and liked them. You can definitely add more figs, if you like! I tend to like scones with dried fruit to be light on the fruit, and scones with fresh fruit to be over-the-top with the fruit (even though that can make them a bit soggy!).
November 6, 2012
Ooh love the Bourbon infusion option, especially with the vanilla. I'm making these next time I get a scone-hankering!
November 5, 2012
They sound ridiculously delicious!
November 6, 2012
Thanks MrsL. I'd say you're the most qualified judge of scone character out there!
November 5, 2012
I have never made a scone. Perhaps it is time I start? I could make ad freeze, and bake after the 1/2 in San Antonio Sunday! (you gotta come down here for one of these some time)
November 5, 2012
You've never made a scone????!!! You, young lady, must do something about this! Scones, I feel, are butter and flour's highest calling, especially when you throw on just a touch of clotted/whipped cream and jam. Or not. They don't even need it. Good luck Sunday! I do wish I could be there, but we're traveling in kind of the opposite direction (West Coast bound) for some work, so it wouldn't have worked out. This spring though... (I truly need some goal to force me to kick my butt into gear and get back into shape.)
Oui, C.
November 5, 2012
There is no such thing as a ridiculously large scone, especially when they taste as good as these!
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