Make Ahead
SPINACH, KALE STUFFING /DRESSING (not just for Thanksgiving!)
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6 Reviews
July 19, 2019
I am using your recipe to stuff small comparison tomatoes! Making a turkey today and toasting up purple cauliflower, Vidalia onions, summer squash and mushrooms with olive oil, garlic and fresh herbs. Remembered I have 12 of these little tomatoes needing to be used up and fresh kale from my garden to use. Yummy! Thank you for such a wonderful idea!
Eva C.
February 17, 2013
Delicious. I had some leftover cooked wild rice that I used instead of the bread. Forgot to bake it, and loved how fresh it tasted
November 16, 2010
I love this Mary! I was trying something similar last night with a roasted pumpkin garnish. The garnish was great; the veggie hash with greens, not so much. I'm making yours the next time I harvest some greens!
November 16, 2010
You cooks in the Bay Area with veggie hash recipes are something else - like your recipes and y'all!
November 16, 2010
I was thinking of green eggs and just the hash is green in my recipe (and then I remembered that it is green eggs and ham!) Sorry, Dr Seuss!
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