Make Ahead
Eat Every Carrot and Pea on Your Plate
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18 Reviews
July 17, 2011
I tried this last night and it was delicious! I used fresh zipper peas, purple & orange baby carrots, cilantro instead of parsley, Bremmel & Brown (yogurt based fake butter) instead of butter, and some mushroom broth instead of chicken broth (used what I had). My guy doesn't usually like cooked carrots but he loved this dish. Thanks!
July 17, 2011
Thank you so much for trying it and for letting me know. (My Granny would be so proud...)
March 1, 2011
LOL ... I remember my grandmother halving and hollowing out these giant carrots and then filling them with canned peas .... this sounds MUCH better!!
March 2, 2011
Whaaaat? I don't remember seeing a recipe for anything like this anywhere in the past 50 years, not even in farm journals. If it's an heirloom recipe, you should modernize it and publish it here. Seriously, for real.
March 2, 2011
Hahaha -- I think the recipe went to the great kitchen in the sky a long time ago! But I will fool around with it anyway ....
March 1, 2011
Sounds delicious, drbabs! I'm going to use that line on my kids - they will keel over.
March 1, 2011
My Dad used to tell a really bad version of this about the person who cooks carrots and peas in the same pot.
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