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September 8, 2017
My everyday breakfast is a protein smoothie with strawberries that I cut in half and freeze whenever I can buy fresh. Once read to use the tops (greens) to add extra vitamins. They absolutely disappear in smoothie and no waste.
September 7, 2017
Love the idea of giving them to the dog(s in my case) - something to keep in mind!
September 6, 2017
My beagle loves strawberries. One day I dropped one of the "tops" on the floor when cutting them up and he quickly ate it, so I gave him another and another. I checked with my vet and she said it was fine...he's getting his fresh greens and fruit all at the same time and I'm not throwing anything away!
September 5, 2017
I cut the stems off and if I get a bit of the fruit, so be it. Then I put in a freezer safe container and when I'm ready for a smoothie, I throw a handful of these into the blender with all the other ingredients. I do buy organic strawberries and make sure they are washed and cleaned before freezing those tops. I do like lemon water so I'm going to try strawberry top infused water - sounds like another good use for the tops.
Gabby B.
September 4, 2017
I honestly never thought about doing this before! It's a great idea!
Linda H.
August 17, 2015
Then leaves are the most nutritious part of the strawberry, and I never discard them. They are great in smoothies, and I also put them into salads. When I eat a whole strawberry, I eat the leaves as well.
Janet S.
August 6, 2015
If I'm making a smoothie, the whole berry goes in. But if I'm trimming them, I have three corgis who insist they get first dibs.
nano Z.
July 16, 2015
I love the brief strawberry season here in Maine..and I try to use every single part of them. many years ago i found a recipe for fresh strawberry pie...using the tops to make a jell for the base of the pie...to keep the berries stable...and then pour the rest of the gel over the top...this reminded me of the strawberry pie I used to love as a kid at the fancy restaurant at Saks Fifth Ave in NY.
Shari L.
June 10, 2016
can you please send me the recipe for this pie? sshaver58@aol.com thank you
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