The Dynamite Chicken cookbook is here! Get ready for 60 brand-new ways to love your favorite bird. Inside this clever collection by Food52 and chef Tyler Kord, you'll find everything from lightning-quick weeknight dinners to the coziest of comfort foods.
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Johanna H.
February 2, 2018
I spatchcocked my turkey this year with a twist. I detached the leg/thighs, then I took the thigh bones out and stuffed the thighs with some dressing, then I trussed them. Thank you, America's Test Kitchen for your brilliance!
Jenny N.
October 12, 2015
Sorry, sorry, sorry...I'm an Engish teacher. Chickens LAY eggs, but they LIE on cutting boards, grills, and roasting pans! (Aside from that, terrific cutting. Learned the technique while living in Italy.)
August 6, 2014
Another off take, put the chicken on a bed of fresh basil and roast (don't forget to add some garlic with this method). Putting a heave skillet on top of the bird for the first 45 minutes of so, presses the meat into the basil and ,,, well it's just a great way to do a chicken, especially a home grown bird!!!!!
Katie F.
August 6, 2014
I cook my spatchcocked chicken in my 14" cast iron pan then make a wonderful sauce or gravy on the stove top while my chicken takes a rest. It has fast become a favorite in our house.
August 5, 2014
I thought it was called butterflied chicken. At any rate, this article makes me want to have another go at this: https://food52.com/recipes/9275-roasted-butterflied-chicken-with-cardamom-and-yogurt
Cara N.
August 5, 2014
Some people call it butterflying, but that usually means the backbone is kept intact and the chicken is just split down the center. Either way, this recipe looks heavenly!
Adrian S.
August 3, 2014
You left out the last step! This makes the presentation prettier and protects the breast meat. Scroll down to pictures 4 & 5 http://cre8ov.com/2013/01/roasted-chicken/
August 4, 2014
Love the tip!!! I've been using the spatchcock method for years but recently bought a rotisserie, now I want to spatchcock a chicken just to use this tip!
Practically E.
August 3, 2014
I have been doing this for eons but I did not know this had a name beyond ripping the spine out of the chicken and making it flat. Thanks for the vocabulary addition!
Bruce B.
August 3, 2014
This is the primary way I grill chicken. It allows all of the bird to be spiced equally, speeds up the cooking and the skin fat melts into the meat and becomes extra crispy. A rotisserie is my second choice.
August 3, 2014
I keep on cutting through the breast bone and roast just a half chicken for the two of us. A bed of finely chopped veggies basted with the chicken juices can be mixed with leftover rice or made into a quick pan sauce. The other half chicken waits in the freezer
August 3, 2014
I've been spatchcocking my Thanksgiving turkey for a couple of years now and use the same method with chicken that I roast and finish off under the broiler. Either way, I use cut up root vegetables for my roasting "rack" and my family enjoys the veggies more than the turkey or chicken!
Catherine L.
August 4, 2014
Yum! It's because of all those delicious drippings... my mom does that too!
Jackie G.
August 3, 2014
I have done this and the result is excellent, crispy skin, moist meat. I also do this on the grill.
August 3, 2014
I've done this with turkey on Thanksgiving. Saved tons of cooking time. Brined it first.
August 3, 2014
I have done this with Turkey for Thanksgiving and saved hours, the result is moist and tender with crispy skin.
August 3, 2014
Although the article doesn't mention it, this is an ideal way to prep a whole chicken for grilling.
Also, this works great for smaller poultry like game hens.
Also, this works great for smaller poultry like game hens.
Joanne M.
August 1, 2014
Been making chicken this way with potatoes under it on a broiling pan ever since reading an article in cooks illustrated years ago...rub a little softened herbed butter under the skin and roast in the oven - potatoes cooked in chicken fat and butter - yum!!!
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