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Steven W.
March 20, 2018
Honestly I am amazed people are making 5, 6, 7 dozen eggs for Easter. It's horribly wasteful unless you plan to pickle them straight after the hunt. It's just so many eggs! I have never known anyone to do this. Must be just me.
March 20, 2018
We have a large family - and the only eggs that go to waste are the ones that don't make it through the hiding, hunting, basket treatment (and those that are sacrificed are a treat for the dogs.) Potato salad sandwiches for a week!
Dawn K.
March 20, 2018
I have done this using a muffin tin instead of a towel. Aside from a few being slightly scorched from touching the metal, they were fine.
April 15, 2017
Third year running, have used this method successfully. Cooked 7 dozen eggs at once, none of them cracked. Haven't eaten them this year, but from years past, I know they're probably cooked perfectly. Easter is the only time I use the oven method for cooking eggs - when you have to cook a bunch of eggs at once, it can't be beat.
July 16, 2016
Okay everybody, can we just quit with the one-upsmanship of hard cooking an egg? Do this: place 6-12 eggs in a pot to fit. Add water just to cover. Throw in a handful of salt. Bring to a boil. Off the heat(off the burner) cover and rest for 10min. Pour off hot water, shake pot to crackle eggs. Fill pot with cold water or plunge them into ice water and peel as they cool. Perfection every time. Shuddup!
Edward F.
July 16, 2016
I tried to cook 44 eggs using this method so I could peel and pickle. Just about every one of them cracked. 44 eggs wasted! I'll just boil them next time as usual although I'll have to wait a few days now for my girls to lay enough!
Edward F.
July 16, 2016
I tried to cook 44 eggs using this method so I could peel and pickle. Just about every one of them cracked. 44 eggs wasted! I'll just boil them next time as usual although I'll have to wait a few days now for my girls to lay enough!
July 4, 2016
For people with a Sous Vide machine that's the easiest and truly fool proof. Also, you can select the texture.
I U.
June 22, 2016
This is a good recipe for BBQ Chicken too because after trying it I burnt my house and chicken coop down.
Christina T.
May 18, 2016
This article exceeds the level of trust I am willing to extend to the internet.
As well as any ability I don't have to successfully transport eggs across the kitchen in a blazing hot towel assuming I haven't burnt the house down yet.
As well as any ability I don't have to successfully transport eggs across the kitchen in a blazing hot towel assuming I haven't burnt the house down yet.
May 1, 2016
For those paying 49c for a dozen eggs, PLEASE consider how those chickens live. You might find yourself willing to pay more for chickens who are responsibly raised and allowed to live a decent life. Price shouldn't be the only consideration, and just because you can doesn't mean you should.
May 1, 2016
Yeah, you're absolutely right., 51 weeks of the year we buy our eggs from a wonderful local family. They do it ALL right - cows, poultry, sheep, goats, pigs - all fed organically, predominantly grass fed, (except for the chickens, which are, at least, rotated around the fields daily but also supplemented w/ feed.) We purchase our eggs from them exclusively...$4/doz. - our beef and milk, too. But when Easter rolls around and we want to dye eggs, we like to do white eggs and we need a lot as we have a large family. So we do the evil thing one week a year. We buy a gross of cheap, white eggs. Now I guess we have to feel guilty about that.
March 26, 2016
Yeah, what about it? To preheat or not to preheat?
March 26, 2016
If one puts the eggs into a cold oven, such as an electric like mine, the broiler also comes on to heat the oven quickly...with that kind of heat coming directly on top of the eggs, one might expect eggs to crack...Thusly, "to preheat or not to preheat?" I think I'll be safe, and preheat. Sometimes cooking techniques are given precisely for a reason, so I asked the question.
March 26, 2016
I did not preheat my oven when I did this. According to Ali in comments made a year ago, you are supposed to turn the oven on AFTER the eggs are in it. I followed these directions, and I had perfect eggs for dyeing, not one cracked. I was able to cook four dozen eggs at once, and then I just went ahead and put another three dozen in for the second round even though the oven was already warm. I removed the eggs with tongs and replaced the towel and by that time, the oven had naturally cooled off a bit for the second batch, but was still not stone cold. Anyway, the second batch with the somewhat preheated oven worked fine, too. When time came to peel the eggs after Easter, I had no way of knowing which eggs came from which batch, so I think either method works fine. All of our eggs were perfectly cooked.
March 26, 2016
Thank you so much for this information...and I think I'll be brave and just "fall with the door into the house" as the saying goes, and make 12 the first time!
March 26, 2016
You're welcome - we just picked up eggs at Target for .49c/dozen - so we're going all out again this year! Luckily, everyone likes egg salad :)
March 26, 2016
.49 a dozen? You could get many dozen for future. Have you read about how one can rub the egg with mineral oil (other oils mentioned) and then just store them out of refrigeration in a cool dry place? Probably can Google this.
March 25, 2016
I cook a lot of eggs in a slow cooker, no water. Set on high and cook ~2 hours. Easy and no fuss.
September 14, 2015
I do not want my eggs to explode, so I ask this...the directions do not say to pre-heat to 320, so should I really put the eggs into the oven and THEN turn the oven to 320? Or was "Preheat" accidently left out.
September 9, 2015
KB, Thank you for taking the high road. I'm 66 years old. I'm sure that I'm older than you are. That's why I thought it rude. Kindest regards........
September 8, 2015
This is a mute point for me, I never need more than 5 eggs at a time.
September 9, 2015
Moot... ;) (In the common phrase moot point, moot means (1) of no importance or (2) merely hypothetical. This is where moot most often gets confused with the adjective mute, which means (1) refraining from making sound or (2) silent.)
Anyhoo, my favorite way to fix eggs is to poach them, which takes just a few minutes, faster than scrambling...one pot, one slotted spoon, one towel (paper or cloth). No muss, no fuss. Done!
Anyhoo, my favorite way to fix eggs is to poach them, which takes just a few minutes, faster than scrambling...one pot, one slotted spoon, one towel (paper or cloth). No muss, no fuss. Done!
April 23, 2015
Spooning the egg out of a halved egg is nothing new. My Mom did it that way when I was growing up in the 60's. I've never had a problem with the best old energy saving method, boiled! lol A gentle (not rapid) boil for 8-10 minutes, start the timer as soon as the boiling starts. Followed by a 5-10 minute ice-water bath is the trick to great eggs that peel perfectly every time. I'll be done eating my eggs and gone for the day while some people are still staring in their oven window and at timer waiting for their half hour baked eggs! GENIUS!
April 23, 2015
GENIUS! I usually boil or steam our Easter eggs - and invariably have a cracked one or five. I decided that I'd try baking them this year. I cooked six dozen eggs in a flash, and not a one cracked or broke. And, because I don't like peeling dyed eggs anyway (no matter how careful you are, dye gets on your fingers and all over the egg), I decided I didn't mind sacrificing a bit of egg. There was no way we were going to eat six dozen, anyway. I put each egg on my cutting board, used my sharpest knife with the thinnest blade (I used my boning knife) to cut the eggs in half, then with a gloved left hand, held each half and spooned the egg. I didn't end up wasting as much as I'd feared. They yolks were super creamy (and no grey or green ring - just beautiful, buttery yellow,) and using this method meant that the ration of yolk to white in the egg salad was higher - best egg salad we've had! (and had, and had, and had.) Oh, and as a side note, I did a bit of an experiment. On one rack I put the eggs on the sides, and on the other I put them up on their end. Both cooked the same - the ones cooked on their end did have slightly more centered yolks. As a bonus, because I planned ahead, I just popped dinner in the oven afterward and took advantage of all that heat. Win, win, win.
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