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d W.
September 8, 2018
People are complaining. Just delete my comments. This is a great site and I don't want to get kicked off it for not being socially acceptable. sorry for offending people. I will be nice. Delete the offensive comments. I will also behave in the future. Good night
d W.
September 8, 2018
Sorry if I said something out of line...don't remember the post. Thank you for removing it if it was offensive.
I just saw the 2 year old comment...It reminded me of my military time...I am not a politically liberal person, I served in the Army...my family has served in the military since the Battle of Bennington in the Revolutionary War when the Colonies revolted from England. Snipers are people who are specially trained to shot long-distance targets in the military. I am proud of my service to my country as the men are proud of theirs. i forget that people are sensitive to normal talk due to un-natural reactions to the crazies who have been taking license with laws and the liberals who want to ban law abiding citizens from having firearms...weapons are used in war and law enforcement since we are dealing with semantics.
I just saw the 2 year old comment...It reminded me of my military time...I am not a politically liberal person, I served in the Army...my family has served in the military since the Battle of Bennington in the Revolutionary War when the Colonies revolted from England. Snipers are people who are specially trained to shot long-distance targets in the military. I am proud of my service to my country as the men are proud of theirs. i forget that people are sensitive to normal talk due to un-natural reactions to the crazies who have been taking license with laws and the liberals who want to ban law abiding citizens from having firearms...weapons are used in war and law enforcement since we are dealing with semantics.
September 8, 2018
Maybe I'm over-tired, but Molly figuring out gummies is me figuring out life right now.
September 8, 2018
If you can bear to see success (though also some failures):
Nathanael P.
October 21, 2015
Actually you can get sugar to liquify at room temperature. Remember Cherry Cordials. You actually take a maraschino cherry, wrap it in fondant, coat it in chocolate, and let it "ripen". Takes about a week. Now let's say you make a flavored fondant, cut off a small ball, coat that in gelatin, let that ripen at room temperature, well you just might have it.
Nathanael P.
October 21, 2015
Actually on second thought, I think I would amend my previous comment. The Fondant "melts" because it absorbs the moisture from the cherry it covers becoming liquid as sugar is hydroscopic. Therefore, take a small piece of fruit, cover that in a thin layer of fondant, make sure it is dry and cover that in gelatin. The fondant should absorb the moisture from the fruit, liquify, and become a gusher.
September 2, 2015
If you really, really want to know how Gushers and other liquid filled gummies are actually made, read over the above patent. The CLAIMS section details the composition of the liquid and shell, and how the candy is made.
If you really, really want to know how Gushers and other liquid filled gummies are actually made, read over the above patent. The CLAIMS section details the composition of the liquid and shell, and how the candy is made.
Craig A.
August 18, 2015
Make the outer shell without using taffy, make your outer shell and put in dumpling form. Then get unflavored gelatin, use your favorite flavoring or juice, melt the gelatin and juice together making sure to use enough gelatin so when cooled it is solid but jiggly (you may need to adjust how much gelatin to use). Put gelatin mix in center of candy and close it up. When is was young my grandma and mom would make this and when it cooled if was fun to eat by itself. They used fresh fruit that was in season, fruit juice or jello with extra gelatin. If we had celebrations at grandma's she would make a ton of these for everybody to enjoy. I hope this works for you and try experimenting to your taste (an adult treat is to use wine with the gelatin) but have fun. I am still laughing about the article and thanks for reminding me about grandms and the good times at her house.
Ashley H.
August 17, 2015
This is wonderfully hilarious. Thank you for sharing your wild ride of gummy!
d W.
July 11, 2015
I am sharing this with my friends who might not have this. too funny. great tenacity. Were you ever a sniper?
Peggy F.
July 11, 2015
The photos are so beautiful, and make me want to bite, chew, slurp...I admire your tenacity and so enjoyed reading about your creative process. The solution may yet be found. (Perhaps in a dream...?)
Maria S.
July 10, 2015
Oh my gosh, I love how realistically this represents the recipe development process! I am cry-laughing!
Alan S.
July 9, 2015
If you still want to try the syringe method most states allow farm supply stores to sell syringes for animal care. They tend to have bigger bore needles but they are sterile.
July 9, 2015
Now I am seized with the idea of somehow using tapioca balls and am not getting my work done!
July 9, 2015
Oh Molly. This article is a gem. I loved reading through it and I love all your experiments using Xiao Long Bao method. In theory it makes total sense!!!! :)
June 5, 2015
Oh what a great sweet read! Kudos followed by applause for making me smile and laugh with you.
Nozlee S.
June 5, 2015
omg you are a shining beacon of tenacity and perseverance in this dark world.
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