A glimpse into our editors' lives: Here's how the world looks from where we stand—from Taste Talks to grapes.

I moderated a Taste Talks panel on cookbooks (Christine Muhlke, JJ Goode, and Kim Chou were the panelists) in Williamsburg this weekend. This is a photo of a massive crowd gathering to watch a cereal-making showdown featuring three local chefs. And—cue shameful admission—I finally made it to Smorgasburg for the first time ever (!) on my way home. —Merrill

Tiny, blurry photo of me on a Taste Talks panel this weekend discussing the female voice in food writing with Charlotte Druckman, Adam Rapoport, and Helen Rosner. A total honor. —Kenzi

Spent a lot of time this weekend reading in uber-trendy coffee shops in Williamsburg between Taste Talks panels (including one by our very own Kenzi!). This photo's blurry because I was trying to not get caught being that person who takes photos of coffee shop drinks but I unfortunately am that person—but, like, how cute is my matcha almond milk latte with the book artfully placed in the background?? (Just ignore the burly Brooklyn men and construction in the background.) —Leslie

(Red) crabbin' with M. Wells at the Taste Talks barbecue. —Sam

Market report: Grapes are in, and I’ve got a pound and a half of Concords becoming shrub. —Caroline
What did you get up to this weekend? Tell us in the comments.
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