Food52's Automagic Holiday Menu Maker

Food52's Automagic Holiday Menu Maker
Choose your holiday adventure! Our Automagic Menu Maker is here to help.
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Sumi A.
July 11, 2020
PPopgi - South Korea
Chocolate Chip Cookies - United States
Oh and you forgot the almighty Girl Scout cookies!
Chocolate Chip Cookies - United States
Oh and you forgot the almighty Girl Scout cookies!
Chantal F.
December 21, 2015
So great to discover The World with a new view.
Can't wait to start. Thank-you so very much!
Can't wait to start. Thank-you so very much!
Sumayya U.
December 5, 2015
Sad not to see the Indian / Pakistan sub continent!
Sumayya U.
December 5, 2015
Sorry. Saw laddos but they wouldn't be cookies as such. In Pakistan we have two really popular baked cookies that would have been wonderful to share! Next time!!
December 4, 2015
Love this -- and am happy to see Canada featured with the Nanaimo Bar, one of my all-time favorite cookies. But can I ask you to correct the map? It lists the cookie as being from the city of Vancouver, British Columbia, which is not correct. The cookie hails from the city of Nanaimo, which is on Vancouver Island. (I realize that is a little confusing.) Thanks!
Alex W.
December 4, 2015
"If people would only look to the cookie, all our problems would be solved."
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