Food52 Life

Too Many Cooks: Treat Yourself

December 18, 2015

The holiday season is a wild and woolly one, whether you work in the food industry (have you stopped by our Holiday Market yet?) or whether you are a cook and an eater. So this week, we asked the team to tell us, inspire us, and encourage us: How are you treating yourself this wild and crazy holiday season? Massages? Mimosas? Fine leather goods? Here's what they said—now get out there and relax.

Photo by Mark Weinberg

Megan: Talenti Peppermint Bark Gelato, every night! (Shoutout to Bridget, who is also a fan.)

Michael: The other night I poured amaro over vanilla gelato. Because I'm worth it.

Jackie: Pedicure for tired feet. Exercise for the body and soul. Wine for a tired mind and because it's delicious.

Gabi: All of the candles, mani-pedis, Champagne Saturdays, reading comic books and Sherlock Holmes, turning off all devices, funk and soul on heavy rotation, pizza with bae.

Photo by James Ransom

Micki: Being okay with coming home and hanging out in front of the TV for a bit. Just started re-watching Parks & Rec, which is helping. Usually accompanied by a cup of hot cocoa or chai before or after a small glass of bourbon.

Meghan: By going to the wonderful workshops at Maha Rose in Greenpoint, Brooklyn!

Taylor: I splurged on a pair of silk pants I've been eying (they finally went on sale) that look like pajamas. I might wear them as pajamas.

Merrill: I'm trying to take a bath (with candles) most nights—no matter how late or how short.

Catherine: Buffalo wings. Baths. Naps.

Sarah: Using the Clarisonic.

Leandra: Grilled cheese and Gilmore Girls.

Jojo: Leandra, that's amazing.

Alexis: Leandra you are my spirit animal. Plus a Hawkins candle...

Bridget: The Buddhify meditation app and copious v burning! Also coloring.

Hannah: All I have in me at the end of the day is lighting my Hawkin's NY Candle.

Amanda H.: Hawkins candle and deep focus on mundane task like fixing a yo-yo—and getting my kids to rub my feet in exchange for scratching their backs.

Jojo: Hopping on the Hawkins candle train... specifically the Hudson scent. Plus red wine. Plus the Downton Abbey soundtrack if I'm feeling especially emo. And on a daily basis? Kitty-cat snuggle time.

Kenzi: Hawkins candle +100.

Rebecca: Note to self: Buy a Hawkins candle...

What good things are you doing for yourself this season? Inspire us in the comments.

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Writing and cooking in Brooklyn.