
Our Latest Contest: Your Best Recipe with Parmesan

March 28, 2016

If the French answer to "how to make anything taste better" is butter, the Italian answer is Parmigiano-Reggiano (a.k.a. good ol' Parmesan cheese) in every possible way: Toast? Parm! Pasta? Parm! Soup? Parmesan broth, made by simmering those rinds—or a sprinkling, or shavings, or all of it. On its own, in fat chunks, it's an instant appetizer. With anything else, it's a salty, thrumming harmony.

And we're devoting our latest contest to it entirely. What are your favorite ways to cook with Parmesan? What are the recipes that bring it to the fore?

Che bella! Photo by James Ransom

Head over to the contest page to submit your Parmiest recipes.

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