No, asparagus aren’t regaled with quite the sing-it-from-the-rooftops-joyful reception that ramps or spring garlic or fiddleheads or other springtime crops herald. (Maybe it’s the whole asparagus pee thing; maybe they’re just seen as run-of-the-mill.) But, as I once saw them advertised at a Brooklyn grocery store, asparagus stands proud and firm:
Proud, firm asparagus.
As well it should: Hit asparagus just right, when slender and mossy and purply at the tips, and asparagus is springtime embodied—and, though easier to find than the ramps and fiddleheads, so green-tasting that it almost vibrates. It's simple in a simply good sort of way. And it's hardly run-of-the-mill. Here are 13 recipes that prove it:
Woow!!! wonderful post. I loved Roasted asparagus with poached eggs with lemon mustard sauce. Before making any recipe with asparagus I follow some steps like this:
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