The Food52 Vegan Cookbook is here! With this book from Gena Hamshaw, anyone can learn how to eat more plants (and along the way, how to cook with and love cashew cheese, tofu, and nutritional yeast).
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May 5, 2016
Im always unsure about fruits and vegetables described as meat replacements as far as proteins and nutrition are concerned, they are very différent..
May 5, 2016
Jackfruit is a prime example of 'meat subbing' in religious Hindu events. (The myth that Hinduism advocates being vegetarian is largely that, a myth. That was an influence due to Buddhism when Ahimsa (non violence) became the cultural norm. Hence vegetable substitutes for meat had to be innovated. Green bananas for Fish (I'm guessing because Bananas grew near rivers and moist areas and because the cooked banana had a white color and flaky texture like cooked fish), Urad Dal for other meats (they even have a traditional rule similar to the kosher/Kashrut law of not mixing meat & dairy. Orthodox Brahmins from the priestly community will not mix food made with Urad and dairy), Raw Jackfruit is an important ingredient for ancestral remembrance ceremonies. as are the other ingredients listed, Ideally the ancestors HAD to be fed meat, but we've been shortchanging them for quite a while now. Interestingly, Its mostly the female aspect of divinity that is offered meat, the male deities make do with milk and fruits.
Taste O.
May 5, 2016
Doesn't it depend on why you don't want to eat meat? I just want to eat protein in a form that's better for the planet and for my body. If I want meat, I'll eat it, but not often and in small quantity. The rest of the time, I don't care about whether something "feels" like meat, but whether it's tasty and healthy, in that order.
Lindsay-Jean H.
May 6, 2016
It absolutely does! I was trying to get at that when I said there are a number of different reasons why people choose not to eat meat at all (or eat less meat).
Alexandra G.
May 5, 2016
I love all natural 'meat replacements' the best for sure. I was hooked on the fancy paragraph-length ingredient replacements when I first became vegetarian, but after my palate adjusted I came to loathe them.. Jackfruit, mushrooms, and walnuts have become my go to staples!
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