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Preferments—and How to Adapt Any Bread Recipe to Use One

I spent a few years waking up somewhere around 3 A.M. to go to work—sometimes closer to midnight if we had a big order to fill. Thus is the life of the bread baker, and it’s been one of my favorite times in my life. Primarily because it meant I got a fresh loaf all to myself for breakfast (proper cooling time be damned!), but also because I learned so much about bread baking, knowledge that I now use at home. I may not be making dozens of loaves at once any more (I was a seriously speedy baguette-shaper once upon a time), but the single loaves I make in my home oven are far better for my years of dough duty.

The wonderful world of preferments. Photo by Linda Xiao

The main lesson I took away was the importance of preferments in bread baking. A preferment is a mixture of dough that is mixed separately from the bread dough and allowed to ferment on its own prior to mixing the dough. Sometimes preferments are mixed the day before, fermenting slowly overnight. Other times, they are mixed only an hour or two before mixing the final dough.

There are different kinds of preferments with different ratios of ingredients. Most add a small amount of yeast to jump start fermentation; others rely on a lengthy rest period to allow the naturally occurring bacterias and yeast to do their thang. Some bread recipes are formulated to already use a preferment, but you can even tweak your favorite bread recipes to use one with a tiny bit of (very easy) math. This advance work provides huge benefits to your final dough: increased strength of the dough, more consistent hydration, and better flavor and aroma (due to higher levels of acidity, alcohol, and fermentation gases). They also allow you to use less yeast in your dough overall, and as we’ve learned, less yeast can mean better flavor!

You may already be familiar with one of the most popular types of preferments out there: sourdough! The increased presence of sourdough information out in the world made me wonder if folks were aware of the other kinds of preferments, all of which provide similar benefits—not as strong of flavor, of course, but with significantly less effort! I'm not suggesting you abandon your sourdough efforts, but read on for more choices which don’t require maintaining a feeding schedule:

  1. Understand baker's percentage.
  2. Plan ahead.
  3. Know your preferments.
  4. Crunch the numbers.
  5. Mix the preferment.
  6. Mix the dough.

1. Understand baker's percentage.

Before I can yap about preferments, I have to explain baker’s percentage—a fabulous tool when you’re tweaking a recipe, and a pretty important part of understanding how to make your own preferment. Baker’s percentage is a series of percentages based around the weight of the flour in a recipe. The base amount of flour in any dough recipe is always 100%, then the percentage of other ingredients is calculated in relation to the weight of the flour. You’re not trying to get the numbers to add up to 100%; you’re using flour as a guidepost for the percentage of other ingredients in the recipe. Don’t fret! It’s basic division and multiplication—and the prize is a more delicious loaf of bread, so I promise it’s worth it!

You can adapt any (!) bread recipe with nearly any preferment by using baker's percentages. Make bialys with sponge, pita with poolish, fougasse with pâté fermentée, or ciabatta with biga. Photo by Linda Xiao

For example, if your dough recipe reads like this:

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25.00 ounces bread flour
0.50 ounces active dry yeast
0.30 ounces kosher salt
20.00 ounces warm water

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Top Comment:
“Thank you for this article, it is quite helpful in my present journey to learn to understand and use poolish, biga etc. I have two general questions. One is, how would you choose a kind of pre ferment over the other if you wanted to adapt a recipe? A poolish or biga or pate fermente? The second general question is regarding using preferments vs bulk retardation. Up till now I have had such great success with bulk retardation. I mix the dough, give it one rise at ambient temp. deflate and stick it in the fridge overnight or longer and the taste and texture of the final bread is so much improved. In my home there is no comparison between a dough that just got one rise at room temperature the shaped, proofed and baked and one that got an additional long slow rise in fridge. Even with enriched doughs, such as brioche (rich or light), sweet doughs such as for cinnamon rolls and doughs that have pumpkin or sweet potato I have repeatedly found this to be the case. And certainly for lean simple doughs like pizza, baguette, some flat breads, this is very true. So my question is, can you achieve by bulk retardation what you do using a preferment? Shouldn’t it be the same chemistry going on? Which begs the question, if I were to do the reverse and merge the ingredients in a bread recipe that calls for a separate pre ferment at mix it all at once and do a long bulk retardation would I not make a similar bread? Thank you!”
— smita

Right off the bat, flour is 100%. Then, all you have to do is divide the weight of the other ingredients by the weight of the flour to determine the baker’s percentage of each ingredient.

Yeast: 0.50 ounces / 25.00 ounces = 0.02 or 2%
Salt: 0.30 ounces / 25.00 ounces = 0.01 or 1%
Water: 20.00 ounces / 25.00 ounces = 0.80 or 80%

What does this do? It gives you information about the dough in question: You can tell a lot about the dough by how much yeast is in it (more yeast will mean a shorter fermentation time, higher levels of hydration make a dough more difficult to shape, etc.) But more importantly, it gives you the tools you need to tweak your bread recipes by adding a preferment. More on that later.

2. Plan ahead.

The only downside (in my mind) to using preferments is that they require a little advance planning. Whether your preferment takes a few hours to ferment or it needs to be made the day before you bake, think ahead. The good news is, any of these options will still come together more quickly than a sourdough starter!

Photo by Linda Xiao

2. Types of preferments.

There are six main types of preferments. The first two are sourdough and levain (which is a type of sourdough, with more hydration to produce different results). But this article focuses on the other four: poolish, biga, pâte fermentée (also called simply pre-fermented dough), and sponge. You can technically use any preferment wherever you feel like it (just by doing the appropriate math and possibly some light tweaking), but some types of preferments lean more towards certain kinds of dough than others—more on this below.

Left, just-mixed poolish. Right, poolish after fermentation. Photo by Linda Xiao


Poolish is very liquid and has a high level of hydration, with a ratio of 100% flour : 100% water : 0.25% yeast. Usually, poolish is fermented at room temperature, and therefore it can’t have high levels of added yeast, or it may over-ferment! Ideal fermentation time for poolish is 15 to 18 hours. Poolish will look a big shaggy ball when just mixed, then it will transform into a very soupy, liquidy, almost batter-like dough.

One way to use it: Poolish is Polish in origin (thus the name!), and it's a very loose, liquid preferment once it's fermented. It tends to be used for firmer doughs, but that's not exclusive. Breads like baguettes, country loaves, and other crusty breads really love a poolish. I often say "use poolish when you can't use sourdough or levain," though that's a very general guideline.

Left, a just-mixed biga. Right, a biga post-fermentation. Photo by Linda Xiao


Biga is stiffer, with a ratio of 100% flour : 55% water : 0.25% yeast. Like poolish, biga usually ferments at room temperature, so it can’t have too much added yeast. Ideal fermentation time for poolish is 15 to 18 hours. Biga will look very shaggy and not totally put-together when just mixed, but will loosen significantly after fermenation, looking more like a bread dough.

One way to use it: Biga is Italian in origin, and therefore is often used for ciabatta, focaccia, and other Italian breads. It can be used in other loaves as well. It's a firmer preferment, and often gets used in breads with a higher hydration, but that isn't exclusive.

Left, just-mixed pâte fermentée. Right, post-fermentation. Photo by Linda Xiao

Pâte Fermentée

Pâte fermentée is also sometimes called “pre-fermented dough” because originally, that’s what it was. Bread bakers would take a portion of the mixed bread dough and save it overnight, adding it to the next day’s dough. But those who don’t make bread every day can still make this preferment. It has a ratio of 100% flour : 60% water : 1% yeast, plus 2% salt. Salt is added to pâte fermentée because it’s made more like a bread dough. Because of the higher quantity of yeast, pâte fermentée doesn’t need as long a fermentation time—only about 4 to 6 hours at room temperature. I prefer to make it the day before, ferment it for 4 hours, then refrigerate it overnight until I’m ready to use it. Pâte fermentée will look similar to bread dough when it’s mixed, and will loosen slightly as it ferments.

One way to use it: Pâte fermentée is a firmer preferment and can be used in almost anything—it's especially great to use pâte fermentée for a bread you make regularly (are there any daily bread bakers out there?) because you can literally take a small portion of the dough you made, ferment it at room temp for 12 to 15 hours, then add it to your next dough!

Left, just-mixed sponge, and right, fermented sponge. Photo by Linda Xiao


Sponge isn’t always included in lists of preferments, but I think it’s worth mentioning because it’s the traditional preferment for some of my favorite recipes! Sponge uses a ratio of 100% flour : 60% water : 1% yeast. Unlike other preferments, a sponge has a relatively short fermentation time (therefore, it uses more yeast than the other preferments—it needs it to jumpstart fermentation). Sponges generally ferment for 30 minutes to 1 1/2 hours, depending on the recipe (the more yeast in the sponge, the less fermentation time). Also unlike other preferments, a sponge is meant to be used as soon as it’s fermented: As soon as there are plenty of bubbles on the surface of the mixture, it’s ready to be added to the final dough.

One way to use it: Sponge is usually used for enriched doughs (sweet dough!), or items that benefit from a preferment but don't necessarily need more structure (bagels, bialys). Remember that structure is gained from lengthy fermentation time, and those doughs are mixed thoroughly to give them their tight crumb and chewy texture!

3. Doing the math.

Okay, now that you know what each preferment is, how can you incorporate it into your favorite bread recipe? Back to your newfound knowledge of baker’s percentage! Don’t get nervous on me—I promise it’s easy, and when you’re done, you get to eat really incredible bread!

Say we want to take our imaginary bread recipe from before and make it with a biga. Right now it looks like this:

25.00 ounces bread flour (100%)
0.50 ounces active dry yeast (2%)
0.30 ounces kosher salt (1%)
20.00 ounces warm water (80%)

We know the ratios of each type of preferment, but how do you get the ingredient amounts for the preferment from the original dough? Start with the flour. A good range for the weight of the preferment flour is 20 to 30% of the total weight of flour in the recipe—so let’s say 25% in this case.

So 25.00 ounces x 0.25 = 6.25 ounces. This will be the base amount of flour for the preferment. From there, we have to take the ratios from the biga itself (55% water and 0.25% yeast, depending on the length of fermentation time) to determine the amounts of the other ingredients.

Water: 6.25 ounces x 0.55 = 3.45 ounces
Yeast: 6.25 ounces x 0.025 = 0.15 ounces

So now our finished preferment recipe looks like this:


6.25 ounces bread flour
3.45 ounces water
0.15 ounces active dry yeast

Maybe your imaginary bread recipe is leading you towards ciabatta made with biga. Photo by Sarah Stone

All that’s left to do is subtract the amounts of these ingredients from the original recipe. Ingredients that aren’t in the preferment (in this case, salt), won’t be affected. Remember, the base level of flour in the final dough is always 100%, so the percentages change all across the dough!


6.25 ounces bread flour (33%)
3.45 ounces water (18%)
0.15 ounces active dry yeast (less than 1%)

Final Dough:

18.75 ounces bread flour (100%)
0.35 ounces active dry yeast (2%)
0.30 ounces kosher salt (1%)
16.55 ounces warm water (88%)

And that’s it! The good news is, you only have to do this math if you’re trying to alter an existing favorite recipe to use a preferment. If a recipe uses a preferment to begin with, you’re good to go—just make and bake!

Photo by James Ransom

4. Mixing the preferment.

Preferments couldn’t be easier to mix. I usually do it by hand in a bowl with a wooden spoon or spatula, but you can absolutely make it in your mixer with the dough attachment. You’ll want to use room-temperature water to mix your preferment, unless your recipe directs otherwise.

First, stir your dry ingredients together to combine. Then, add the water and mix until the ingredients are homogenous. Keep in mind that homogenous doesn’t have to mean smooth—some preferments will look pretty shaggy and messy when first mixed, but they will loosen up as they ferment. Don’t be tempted to veer from your recipe; unless you see visibly dry pockets of flour, keep the water ratios intact, then cover the preferment and let fermentation do its work!

5. Mixing the dough.

Most preferments are added at the beginning of mixing, along with the other ingredients. Some recipes may suggest adding the preferment once the dough has started to come together—that’s fine too. Trust the recipe, but if you’re making your own recipe, it’s safe to add it right from the get go. Otherwise, just follow the recipe according to it’s original instructions!

Erin McDowell is a baking aficionado, writer, stylist, and Test Kitchen Manager at Food52. She is currently writing a cookbook. You can learn more about her here.

Have you used preferments? Do you like how they affect your bread? Share your secrets with us!

See what other Food52 readers are saying.

  • bob-o
  • teetertotter57
  • Stephanie choi
    Stephanie choi
  • Michel
  • Mikeydc2020
I always have three kinds of hot sauce in my purse. I have a soft spot for making people their favorite dessert, especially if it's wrapped in a pastry crust. My newest cookbook, Savory Baking, came out in Fall of 2022 - is full of recipes to translate a love of baking into recipes for breakfast, dinner, and everything in between!


bob-o February 12, 2024
Great article.very well written.
Thank you!
teetertotter57 January 5, 2022
Yeast Water:
I plan on experimenting with the baker's math and yeast water. There is a really cute kid with a fun accent on youtube PPG Baker for anyone interested in tackling yeast water. The other is Cook Like a German.

Anyhow, this was very helpful and I can't wait to play with what I've learned here. The baker's math works just as I thought it would regarding the 4 preferments discussed in your article. I assume it will work with the yeast water by considering the liquid.

Thank you, so much for writing this. I'm thankful I stumbled onto it. If you have any tips, please feel free to email me. I'm on your list.
Stephanie C. July 16, 2021
another question, this is about the measurement. Sorry...I studied applied if it comes down to math problem then I go crazy..
you said, just for example, like biga, I think you use cups and spoon measurement to match the final number. so somehow, I am adapting the ciabatta recipe up there, if I use cups as a measurement when flour is 100% that is 2 1/4 c, and its 55% is 1.2375 cups which is just a little over a cup of water, so the recipe calls 1 cup approximately, and 1/4 tsp as 0.25 % of yeast. so it looks ok to me. but if I use OZ as a measurement then the story is different. when flour is used 9.55 oz as a 100%, then water should be used only
5.25oz to meet its 55% requirement. and yeast should be used only o.o2 oz. so my question is which measure should I use?... the recipe that I know is using poolish to make NY style bagels, and its poolish recipe is 272G flour to 272 G water and 1/4 tsp of yeast. so using two different metrics. Gram and spoon. ...hmm am I going to far?...
it some math problem seizes my ankle I can't help it but I need to know exactly. and there is no one who is smart enough to know about baking science but you right now. me...
Duskmirror March 25, 2023
That’s why i always use metric measurement when baking, oz spoons and cups is like comparing apples and oranges, it doesn't make sense. When i see a recipe saying use 5 grams of yeast, 4 table spoon of sugar, 1/2 oz of salt, and 4 cups of flour, i don’t even try to figure this out, i just go to an other recipe where measurement make sense. A cup of flour is about 120 grams to 150 grams depending how packed it is, so using bakers math will never work, you can never tell if your dough is 60% hydration because water is always 1 gram to one millilitres. If you have 1000 gram of flour and 600 gram of water then you know for sure that your dough is 60% hydration.
Stephanie C. July 16, 2021
just out of a chef and baker, especially bagels. I use a sourdough starter or as you mentioned, poolish since the bagel's hydration is pretty low. I am wondering you said that poolish is usually 1:1:0.25 Ratio, but the pita's poolish recipe isn't 100% water to 100% flour. I am not a pita expert so I am just confused..can you tell me why?
Michel May 26, 2021
Very happy to have found this article. But why ounces!!!
teetertotter57 January 5, 2022
Probably because most Americans work in ounces. I wondered the same thing. I can't seem to think in grams when I'm looking at cups and measuring spoons. But I prefer to work in grams. Much more accurate and consistent.
Mikeydc2020 April 10, 2021
Can I use my sourdough starter in place of instant yeast for the 4 preferments that you listed? I am trying to get away from using instant yeast.
teetertotter57 January 5, 2022
Not sure why I don't see answers to questions, but I would think baker's math would apply. You would need to consider the hydration of your starter. My starter is 50g flour, 50g water, 50g starter. You would need to remove the flour/water from the starter, as well as the flour/water from your preferment from your original recipe.

She didn't discuss sourdough starter, but it was the 5th one, so it would be treated like all the others as far as the math goes. Hope this makes sense. It does in my head.
mhebert January 12, 2021
How much pâté fermentée should I keep for my next loaf? What does 7 or 8 g of dry yeast is equal to in PF?
I plan on converting my favorite recipe.
My recipe also uses milk so how do I covert water to milk? Can I use milk instead in my pre-ferments or do I need to use powdered milk?
Bread baking is my new addiction!!!
teetertotter57 January 5, 2022
I would think it alright. I think the article read to pinch off a bit for baking the next day. I don't think it was meant to keep for any length of time, like a sourdough starter.

The pinch of dough will continue to rise, even in the fridge if kept for more than a day. I'm not sure it would last more than a few days.
Jessie January 19, 2022
It does though. I did keep about 50g once, in the fridge, in a sealed container, and 3 months later in using half of it to make a new starter for, hopefully, new loaf of bread day after tomorrow.
cecilia June 28, 2020
Hi Erin, This is a great topic. However my confusion was. At the beginning one of the purpose of converting to use pre-ferment is that less yeast can be used. but how is that be? the yeast amount that is used is remain the same just that it is divided to pre-ferment and the dough? please clear me up :)) thank you!!
Michel May 26, 2021
I had the same thought. I have seen recipes where the amount of yeast used in the poolish is so small you can count the individual granules. I am going to try the math above but when it comes to the yeast I will reduce by half
candzgo June 1, 2020
This is a great article. But I have a question, can you do a preferment using milk instead of water if milk is the liquid of choice in the recipe? If not, how would you adapt the recipe to include a preferement.
Duskmirror March 25, 2023
I did try milk for preferment, it worked great in my hamburger bun recipes. I use 100 grams of milk to 100 grams of flour and 1 gram of yeast, i put it in the fridge for 3 days then used it in my recipes. It turned out it was the best hamburger bun i ever made.
Thriftymom1973 May 5, 2020
I am SOOOO excited to have found your video on Gluten that led me here. I have been trying to find information about this subject that is reliable and easy to understand. so excited to dig deeper. I read through this and probably missed it but which type of preferment would you say rustic pizza crust falls under? I have been working for years to find the perfect crust.

I also wanted to tell you that this will come in handy for my kids as well. They love to bake and cook and because we homeschool, this will be incorporated into some of their lessons. #WeDoUseMathInRealLife
Michael F. April 29, 2020
Thank you for the article, very informative. I would like to learn more about hydration as well. What is the reason you use ounces rather than grams? I thought metric is more precise.
Chabarang March 8, 2020
Thank you for a very thorough and informative article! I am new to the world of preferments; your article was a fantastic intro!

Since I am into using natural yeasts, what would be the use of a preferment? Or do I skip everything and simply follow the sourdough recipes? I want to gain as much flavor as possible, so any tips on how to get that from natural yeast starters only would be appreciated. Thanks!
Dchurchill1 December 30, 2018
Your recipes for biga and polish do not align with your bakers percentages.
Paul May 4, 2018
You say sponge needs more yeast due to shorter ferment time (30-90 min), but in article it has the same 1% yeast as the pate fermente (15-18 hrs)? What am I missing?
smita June 26, 2017
Thank you for this article, it is quite helpful in my present journey to learn to understand and use poolish, biga etc.
I have two general questions. One is, how would you choose a kind of pre ferment over the other if you wanted to adapt a recipe? A poolish or biga or pate fermente?
The second general question is regarding using preferments vs bulk retardation.
Up till now I have had such great success with bulk retardation. I mix the dough, give it one rise at ambient temp. deflate and stick it in the fridge overnight or longer and the taste and texture of the final bread is so much improved. In my home there is no comparison between a dough that just got one rise at room temperature the shaped, proofed and baked and one that got an additional long slow rise in fridge. Even with enriched doughs, such as brioche (rich or light), sweet doughs such as for cinnamon rolls and doughs that have pumpkin or sweet potato I have repeatedly found this to be the case. And certainly for lean simple doughs like pizza, baguette, some flat breads, this is very true.

So my question is, can you achieve by bulk retardation what you do using a preferment? Shouldn’t it be the same chemistry going on? Which begs the question, if I were to do the reverse and merge the ingredients in a bread recipe that calls for a separate pre ferment at mix it all at once and do a long bulk retardation would I not make a similar bread?
Thank you!
Michael M. February 8, 2017
This article on preferments was very informative. There is , however, one thing that would probably help most of us with kitchen scales, and that is to have the weights in grams rather than fractions of ounces. I would think that the average home scale would not measure fractions of ounces.
JuJu May 1, 2017
Hi, this case, the ounces are not fluid ounces, but net weight ounces. Digital kitchen scales have a unit of measurement that is lb, oz, as well as grams, millimeters, etc.. There are some very good and reasonably-priced ones on the market, these days. Just do a search for reviews on kitchen scales to see what is available.
Paul September 15, 2016
Very interesting article. However, I think your math is wrong for the yeast calculations. In your example you multiply by 0.025, which would be 2.5%. Instead, you should multiply by 0.0025 for the 0.25%
Jim June 27, 2016
Since the yeast multiplies in the biga or poolish, why don't you have to shrink the total yeast used when converting a recipe to a preferment? In this article's example, aren't you effectively adding much more yeast than the original recipe called for?
JuJu May 2, 2017
Beginner home beer brewers ask that same question all the time.

There is a term known as the "crabtree effect" in the fermentation process for both doughs and home brews that goes into a lot more scientific detail.

However, more briefly, yeast goes through an optimal number of cycles when multiplying, and it is that optimal growth of more than just one healthy yeast cell in a starter that not only produces a better flavor, but gives the dough a jump start, also reducing kneading time.

Jenny June 14, 2016
This article is awesome. I read a couple days ago about Poolish on Weekend Bakery and I have been wanting to know more. Thank you.
I have one question, for the sponge, you said that it is used in enriched doughs, so does this mean I can use it for a brioche or Babka?
AntoniaJames June 10, 2016
Example of two different conversions - to adapt a standard recipe with no levain using commercial yeast only, to one substituting levain for a portion of the flour and liquid -- can be found in comments by Rivka and by me, 4 years ago, in this early (2010) Your Best Bread finalist recipe: ;o)
An updated version with metric mass and volume units is here: (I could not revise the original one as it was locked by the editors, as all finalist recipes are.)

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