
How to Make a Press-In Crust

March 18, 2011

To quote Amanda: "We love press-in doughs. For all the obvious reasons..." As tart crusts go, we'll take the reprieve.

This week's videos were once again shot and edited by filmmaker Elena Parker. For more on tarts, check-out this week's contest for Your Best Late Winter Tart

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Food52 (we cook 52 weeks a year, get it?) is a food and home brand, here to help you eat thoughtfully and live joyfully.


CH C. March 22, 2011
Excellent! Thanks. Any future plans on doing a video for making baguettes?
Amanda H. March 24, 2011
Not yet, but will keep that in mind!
Louisa March 20, 2011
Which shortbread crust recipe did you all use?
Merrill S. March 21, 2011
We used the dough for one of this week's finalist, the Madeira Tart!
Sweetnan March 20, 2011
How convenient! I was LITERALLY in the process of making a press in crust (made my custard already, getting ready to make the crust), and I needed to wait for my butter to come to room temp, so I sat down for a sec and checked my email, and just look what I found! I video on making press in crust! Thank you!!
Merrill S. March 21, 2011
You're very welcome, Sweetman.
Chef L. March 20, 2011
I love your videos. I teach kids and you need to give them clear directions but treat them as adults. Pie crust is one of my favorite recipes to teach.

For small tart shells I use a morter to press in the sides.

Happy cooking!

Chef Laura
Merrill S. March 21, 2011
Smart trick. And thanks for your nice comment!
Veronica March 20, 2011
Ahhhhh--girls after my own heart! MUCH prefer pressing as to rolling--NICE videos!
Merrill S. March 21, 2011
Thanks! You taught me well on the press-in pie crust front...