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February 17, 2021
hi! i just discovered your website/app/channel. i love it and want to cook everything! i'm super excited you are a woman owned company. after my first "major binge" i did feel the 'whiteness' of the video presenters coming through (or in many cases white hands). i am glad to read that you are addressing this issue and look forward to watching you grow.
Vanessa M.
February 20, 2017
Oh, well, maybe in a few months... (sigh)
Re: Diverse Contributing Writer / Photographer (Vanessa Middleton) - RECIPE PITCHES
From: Sarah Jampel
To: Vanessa Middleton
Date: Mon, Feb 20, 2017 12:13 pm
Hi Vanessa,
Thank you for following up! We don't have space in our editorial calendar at the moment, but please feel free to reach back out in a few weeks or months and to send more pitches my way! And I'll definitely keep your name in mind when we're looking for writers who are experts in upscale Southern food!
Re: Diverse Contributing Writer / Photographer (Vanessa Middleton) - RECIPE PITCHES
From: Sarah Jampel
To: Vanessa Middleton
Date: Mon, Feb 20, 2017 12:13 pm
Hi Vanessa,
Thank you for following up! We don't have space in our editorial calendar at the moment, but please feel free to reach back out in a few weeks or months and to send more pitches my way! And I'll definitely keep your name in mind when we're looking for writers who are experts in upscale Southern food!
Kristen M.
October 20, 2017
Hi Vanessa, I just noticed your comment and I'm so sorry for the radio silence. (This is surely too much information, but we need a better system to alert us to comments on articles that we publish collectively from the Food52 profile.) Thank you for your pitches—someone from our editorial team will be reaching out to follow up shortly.
anne R.
February 16, 2017
I am a big fan of Food52! I've purchased many items from their website - you girls have amazing taste.
I saw Amanda on CBS Saturday morning a couple of weeks ago and she really was a great interview. I love everything you do and I love what you stand for. Keep it up.
I saw Amanda on CBS Saturday morning a couple of weeks ago and she really was a great interview. I love everything you do and I love what you stand for. Keep it up.
Christopher B.
February 15, 2017
So a nice cross section of opinion.
I also want to thank Amanda for a piece ofadvice from back when she was working for the Times Ie. you can assemble a soufflé hours in advance, refrigerate it and pop it into the oven when you're ready. It makes serving a soufflé child's play.
I also want to thank Amanda for a piece ofadvice from back when she was working for the Times Ie. you can assemble a soufflé hours in advance, refrigerate it and pop it into the oven when you're ready. It makes serving a soufflé child's play.
lynn R.
February 15, 2017
Balderdash. Hooey. I cannot believe people wrote in saying you were not diverse enough. I'm Jewish from Holocaust survivor parents. You did not hear from me that I did not see any Jewish foods, or German foods..I think it is great that two women started this web site and should be very proud. So what if it is 60% white. People need to be hired based on their qualifications. So, does this mean that a white person will not get the job? I think this is all nonsense. We are talking about FOOD. Not rocket science. Did it every occur to the people complaining, that you are not diverse enough that black people, or Chinese people are just not interested in your field? That Jews and Muslims are just not interested. I am a pastry chef. Let me tell you, you do not see a lot of Jews as chefs or pastry chefs. So does that mean, that the industry is not diverse enough? Maybe everyone should boycott the show Top Chef because a muslim has not been picked or a black person has not won. I feel our country has really "lost" it. My parents came to this country after the war. They learned English. They did not take a dime from the gov't. They worked 2 jobs. And I am sure there were jobs they did not get because they were Jewish. And let me tell you all, that anti-semitism is on the rise. Much more so than the so called hatred for Muslims. You just have to look what is going on in the EU or our own college campus's....I say, stick to what you are doing. You cannot please everyone.
Laura W.
February 15, 2017
I love Food52 and was on the original post way back in Nov where people were asking about adding more diversity to food offerings...Michael Twitty's fantastic article about growing up a gay, black male in the South was a perfect example...his sharing of his experiences did not threaten me or who I am in any way and I was made more informed about someone who is unlike me and found universal similarities through his food experiences...no one is telling anyone how to vote or how to be...just that the requests (and there were a lot, they were not made by 1 or 2 people) for more diverse sharing of experiences was heard and this is how they are proceeding...Saveur is also a magazine that focuses on small subgroups of folks and what they are cooking and eating and they do focus on many areas outside of NY/LA/SF, where many of us acknowledge there are very rich culinary communities...sidenote: I am a NYer and I am not a fan of the term "flyover states", just as I am also not a fan of the term "costal elite"...so let's all agree to stop any name calling and finger pointing...I want my recipes but I also want introduction to people and their foods I may not have a chance to meet elsewhere...it's a big big country and there's a lot to know about...thanks Amanda and Merrill
February 16, 2017
I agree with you completely. I also read many articles about foods from different regions. I also appreciated your civility and thoughtfulness.
February 15, 2017
Hello All -- thank you for weighing in. For anyone who commented here before reading our first post, "Our Answer to 'Politics Don't Belong on Food52'" (https://food52.com/blog/18961-our-answer-to-politics-don-t-belong-on-food52), it might help to take a look at it for context. For the past few years, we've been intensely focused on building this business and haven't had as much time to share our views. Both of these posts were part of our effort to dive back into communicating with you more often, as we did in the early days. We believe that transparency on the part of brands like ours has real value, especially when it's part of a larger community discussion.
As we noted in this article, Food52 will continue to cover a range of topics -- some of which may be viewed as political. We are by no means switching gears, or attempting to recast ourselves as a platform for political debate, but we will not avoid covering relevant topics just because politics are involved. We embrace and celebrate diversity of all varieties, and we are working to do a better job of this. But diversity of opinion does not extend to harassment or discrimination of any kind. We try to be vigilant but we can't monitor every comment; if you see anything on the site that qualifies as harassment or discrimination, please let us know so we can consider either removing the comment or banning the commenter.
Now let's eat!
Amanda & Merrill
As we noted in this article, Food52 will continue to cover a range of topics -- some of which may be viewed as political. We are by no means switching gears, or attempting to recast ourselves as a platform for political debate, but we will not avoid covering relevant topics just because politics are involved. We embrace and celebrate diversity of all varieties, and we are working to do a better job of this. But diversity of opinion does not extend to harassment or discrimination of any kind. We try to be vigilant but we can't monitor every comment; if you see anything on the site that qualifies as harassment or discrimination, please let us know so we can consider either removing the comment or banning the commenter.
Now let's eat!
Amanda & Merrill
February 15, 2017
I applaud you for addressing this important issue with courage and authenticity and also for drawing back the curtain so we fans can see your entrepreneurial path in its fullness. In addition to the steps outlined above, you can also consider using the power and influence of the Food52 community and social platforms to lift up the work of innovative, talented and diverse voices such as @jbakernyc @soulfoodscholar @extracrispy @KosherSoul
John W.
February 15, 2017
Thank you Sally!! Keep politics out of my kitchen, off my plate, and out of my mouth, thank you!!! As far NYC being diverse, just read the NY Times and figure it out for yourself
John a 70 yr. old from NJ/NC
John a 70 yr. old from NJ/NC
February 15, 2017
I was astonished to read some of the comments, especially those who said they would quit the community because they don't agree with the aims of the founders of the site. There is an easy solution without quitting - when you see that an article is too political for you, don't read it - just go on to the next one that concerns only food!
Luisa F.
February 15, 2017
My mother always told me: we do not talk about religion and politics with our guests. And never ,but never about money! She was right!
February 15, 2017
Food52 is not just a website about food. It is a community. A community is by definition a group of individuals brought together by a common interest (here, food and cooking), but Merriam-Webster also defines a community as "an interacting population of various kinds of individuals (as species) in a common location."
Variety implies diversity. Diversity is, or should be, part of the very fabric of what Food52 is.
I have been part of the Food52 community almost since the beginning. I have watched it grow and change, not always in ways that felt relevant to me and my life, but I have always appreciated the founders and editors' efforts at inclusion, and I applaud them for admitting that there is far more work to be done on that front.
The only reason to speak out against diversity is because it threatens white supremacy. When you do so, it tells me everything I need to know about who you are and what's in your heart. And one thing that has been true and evident about the Food52 community from the very beginning is that there's no place for that kind of hate at this table.
Variety implies diversity. Diversity is, or should be, part of the very fabric of what Food52 is.
I have been part of the Food52 community almost since the beginning. I have watched it grow and change, not always in ways that felt relevant to me and my life, but I have always appreciated the founders and editors' efforts at inclusion, and I applaud them for admitting that there is far more work to be done on that front.
The only reason to speak out against diversity is because it threatens white supremacy. When you do so, it tells me everything I need to know about who you are and what's in your heart. And one thing that has been true and evident about the Food52 community from the very beginning is that there's no place for that kind of hate at this table.
Trish B.
February 15, 2017
I love your web site but wondered if you have a wish list. I saw something I'd like to buy but can't get it right now and would like to save it somewhere.
Olivia B.
February 15, 2017
Hi Trish! If you go to the product page, there is a button underneath the product that says "Save". If you click that (and are signed in) you will be able to save it to a collection that you can return to later (Click your user profile in the top right corner and select favorites + collections). Let me know if that helps!
Jim S.
February 15, 2017
love your web site, but count me as a former customer. Too much PC BS.
February 15, 2017
Jim Skucy, eh? Is this the same Jim Skucy who is the Executive Director of the Benton Franklin (WA) Head Start program? The program whose vision statement, according to its website, is to prepare children for “productive citizenship in a global community,” and which features two brown children on the front page? If not, then disregard.
February 15, 2017
Melissa, we have come a long way since then. Laws were written. I just want people to come here legally and want to be citizens. I don't want them burning our flag. It is a fact that blacks and Hispanics will outnumber whites in the next 10-15 years. All I am saying is who will they blame for not being hired on then. I am tired of the feeling that when you own a business you have to hire color and background, not who is best for the job.. That is all I was saying.
February 15, 2017
Hi Natasha,
I think it's ok to admit that you're uncomfortable with our country's changing demographics. I think it's ok to relate a story about your business and how you felt pressured to hire a person of color who was not qualified (if something like that did in fact happen). But... that's not how your comment comes across, at least to me. I'm... guessing you didn't intend to cause offense. ??
I think it's ok to admit that you're uncomfortable with our country's changing demographics. I think it's ok to relate a story about your business and how you felt pressured to hire a person of color who was not qualified (if something like that did in fact happen). But... that's not how your comment comes across, at least to me. I'm... guessing you didn't intend to cause offense. ??
February 15, 2017
I am so sorry you feel this way and that you are scared that blacks and Latinos will outnumber whites. Remember blacks are Americans brought here by whites as slaves. They are not immigrants
Hiring people of color doesn't meant they are NOT qualified. That is offensive, and because of the laws people have been trying for 20 years (why they have 5 kids is another offensive assumption) and have not been able to get there citizenship. Funny how everyone loves salsa and wraps but not the people who originally made them.
Hiring people of color doesn't meant they are NOT qualified. That is offensive, and because of the laws people have been trying for 20 years (why they have 5 kids is another offensive assumption) and have not been able to get there citizenship. Funny how everyone loves salsa and wraps but not the people who originally made them.
February 15, 2017
I am having a discussion. It is a fact that blacks will outnumber whites soon, ask anyone who is black. I live in a city that is 76% black. I am half black and half Jewish so don't put the racist crap one me. We have many Hispanics here due to the field work that they do. YES, they do have many kids because they want to stay here, I see mothers and daughters pregnant for that reason.. Talk to them, maybe you will get a better insight. I love Hispanics, I have friends that I have worked with and partied with. You are the one making this racial.. I am saying LEGAL is the word.. I want people to be legal. I want people to be hired because of their brain not their color. That is not being racist. You are the one who said people told you to hire more people, since you are white, they meant people of color and different backgrounds. So, if you hire them now, you are doing it because you are being pressured to do so.. ALAS my point.. Don't do it because a group tells you to do it, hire people that are best for the job. (black,white,brown,yellow,hispanic). I have worked with more diversity than most. MILITARY NURSE.. so don't push your racism on me. You asked my opinion and my opinion is Hire someone who can do the job. Tell ILLEGALS to get legal if they want to stay. We have a constitution and it says that they are not to stay if they don't want to be citizens and live by OUR laws.. simple.
Laura K.
February 15, 2017
Thank you SO much for embracing this difficult work. Every act is a political act and food even moreso! We make political choices (whether we are aware of it or not) with every purchase of an ingredient (where was it grown? how was it grown? who harvested it? how were they paid/treated?), every grocery store we choose to shop in (do we shop locally, supporting local vendors and communities of colour?), and every culture we choose to learn about through their food (do we honour the traditions and learn about the history of the people who created this type of food?).
It can be difficult to examine these things, especially from a position of privilege. We all like to think of ourselves as good people, so when we are confronted with the unintended impact of our actions, we get defensive. It's hard, soul-searching work and I commend you for taking the time to open your hearts and your actions to inclusiveness.
It can be difficult to examine these things, especially from a position of privilege. We all like to think of ourselves as good people, so when we are confronted with the unintended impact of our actions, we get defensive. It's hard, soul-searching work and I commend you for taking the time to open your hearts and your actions to inclusiveness.
February 15, 2017
I have no problem with diversity. But, I do have a problem with people living and working in our country Illegally. There is a difference between legal and illegal. They have the right to come here to work with the right papers but they should become citizens. Living here 20 years and 5 kids later is wrong if you haven't even tried. Pretty soon the whites or privileged whites will be the minority, then what will we do when there are more black and Hispanics.. All of this has become insane. I come to you to get advise on cooking, not politics. Don't bend to please some political group. You are doing a good job, although I will say, some of your goodies are too expensive. Enjoy your site.
February 15, 2017
white settlers were the original people "living and working in our country Illegally" when they colonized native land.
i won't bother with the rest.
i won't bother with the rest.
February 15, 2017
Growing up in the Midwest, the dismissal of much of our great nation as "flyover country" was and continues to be so irritating to me. I fear that in this effort to become more inclusive (which I applaud, by the way) certain geographies are still being politicized and, therefore, dismissed. Don't forget about our great many friends in food who live between NYC and SF/LA. Let's use food to reconnect one another across this great country, in addition to connecting across races, ethnicities, gender, etc.
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