Photo by James Ransom
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February 3, 2022
I’ve always poo-pooed the idea of spending a lot of money on cookware. I am Klutzy and usually prefer military grade cookware that won’t get destroyed by me. When I saw this a few years ago, I loved It, but decided it’s daintiness would not survive my handling. Fast forward a few years. Every time I see It mentioned here I am obsessed, and finally pulled the trigger on the 4qt and the hot cocoa pot. I love Then! Even though they are the only thing I cant throw in the dishwasher in my kitchen, I get Such a joy looking at them that I didnt Care. So far they held up beautifully.
jan K.
August 22, 2017
I bought 6 pieces in red, blue, green and yellow on my honeymoon in Europe in 1972 and still love them. I noticed that mine are made in France, whereas now they are made in China. I have the fondue pot, but am missing the holder if anyone has one they don't want! I also received as a wedding gift the wood salt-pepper grinder and am still using it daily! My dishes were also Dansk- primary colored flowers on white that I used for 20 years. Love reading the comments.
Jean U.
August 22, 2017
My mother had turquoise casseroles in 1965, and when I moved out I started haunting the Dansk shops for deals. I have many of the pieces, including a paella pan, a lasagna baker, 3 sizes of casserole pans, a soup pot, and so many more. I LOVE DanskKobenstyle.
Sandi A.
August 22, 2017
I fell in love with Dansk when I lived in Germany in the '60's and '70's and bought a number of pieces including a yellow version of the Kobenstyle casserole pot you feature now and two chafing dishes in yellow and blue. I also bought a lot of Danish oiled teak furniture. Love anything in that style.
August 22, 2017
Love it and have had it for many years. Mine is yellow and I don't think that's available any more.
Genevieve K.
August 22, 2017
I have had and used Variation V as flatware since 1970 and in early 1991 had the opportunity to buy as much of Arabesque as could fit in my kitchen which is blue and white. I prefer plain white dinnerware so the Arabesque is perfect for all serving pieces. The wooden bowls and carving boards have not survived perfectly from 1956, but I still use (and cherish) salad bowls. The cookware was cobalt blue and long gone, but I will always miss the paella pan. Thank you for the memories today!
Leslie B.
August 12, 2017
I had both Dansk dinner set (with the blue rim) and cookware --- blue in the 70's. Gone now, unfortunately --- but I loved that the cover of the pot could be used as a trivet!!! See red pot and cover in article/advertisement.
Susie B.
April 6, 2017
I don't have any Dansk cook wear but we purchased a set of the blue dishes in the 1970's. They are so pretty and in good condition. One dinner plate broke right in half so I'm very careful using them. I don't use them everyday anymore to preserve them but I enjoy them when we do. We have the dinner plates, small plates, soup bowls, cup and saucers, cream and sugar dishes and hurricane lantern. I really treasure our Dansk set.
J F.
April 6, 2017
I LOVE Dansk! And yes still have a couple of pieces from way back when we got married. Didn't have a lot of money but their pieces were perfect!
April 3, 2017
My wife and were early Dansk fans. Newly married, little money, but really liking Dansk, we acquired many pieces. Over the years, we gravitated to All Clad ware. A couple of years ago, going through a box left in the garage for years, I found a Dansk salt shaker/pepper grinder combination. I put it on E-Bay for sale. Sold it for $700! Stunning!
April 2, 2017
I received two of these as wedding gifts back in 1981 and used both extensively over the years. Loved those pots and was so sad when I finally had to get rid of them - the enamel had chipped after being dropped. I'm beyond thrilled to see these are available for sale again.
April 2, 2017
Dans -just the word brings a smile to my face. I received the large red casserole along with two smaller versions, as well as the butter melter, when I married in 1973. I also have the lasagna pan. A few chips here and there, but they still work beautifully and the best news for me is that they work on the induction stove we now have at our new home in Eymoutiers, France. Do you ship to France??
April 2, 2017
I got married in 1972 and asked for Dansk pieces for my "kitchen shower". I was lucky enough to get the red Dutch oven, medium saucepan, small saucepan, the baking/lasagne pan and the fondue set. I still have them and use them for special occasion serving pieces. I also have a lovely wooden salt and pepper set but the pepper grinder is broken.
April 2, 2017
I have my Mom's aqua blue pots from the 1960's. Especially love the butter melting pot. Recently purchased three matching pitchers at an antique shop. Can not wait to display everything on our soon to be renovated kitchen!
Sandi A.
April 1, 2017
I've had Dansk pots and chaffing dishes and even a fondue pot that I bought in Europe in the '60's and '70's and still use them. Love them. They are such classic designs and beautiful.
Amy B.
April 1, 2017
Received a blue 2 qt lidded casserole and a red paella pan as wedding gifts 44 years ago. Still have 'em, still use 'em, still love 'em. Very glad to see THEY'RE BACK.
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