Mother's Day

Don't Tell Mom These Pancakes Were Made With Just 2 Ingredients

May  8, 2017

You've got less than a week to Mother's Day and you haven't ordered the woman who brought you into this world—or birthed your children, or cared for you in some other capacity—an item from our gift guide?! Where have you been?*

Okay, okay, enough scolding. Here's what to do: Grab a banana! Grab an egg! That's all you need to whip up a smashing Mother's Day brunch that'll show Ma you love her.

Well wouldya look at that? Photo by James Ransom

That's correct—you can make a pancake feast with only two ingredients. For 4 pancakes, mash up 1 banana and stir in 1 egg. Cook as you would normal pancakes, but take precautionary measures for the gentle batter: Keep the pancakes small, employ a thin, flexible spatula, and don't get distracted (these guys cook fast).

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The last time we tested the magical two-ingredient pancakes (which also happen to be paleo, gluten-free, dairy-free, and sugar-free, too), we used 2 eggs per 1 banana. This time, we used 1 egg per 1 banana and the results were less eggy and more delicious.

So delicious, in fact, that our Test Kitchen Chef Josh Cohen—whose discerning palate and breadth of culinary experience means he's not one to shower praise—loved them, as did our Books Editor, Ali Slagle, who shares Josh's sophisticated taste.

Oh, you shouldn't have!
Mom, Not Knowing Your Secret

What I will say about these pancakes is that they are not at all... complex. They taste exactly how you expect them to taste: like a warm, eggy banana with surprising fluff—closer in flavor to a soufflé or a crêpe than a traditional pancake. (Mom will love them anyway.)

And since they're only two ingredients, you'll have plenty of time, energy, and... well... motivation to rummage through your pantry and spice drawer to dress them up a bit. Add a pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg to the batter; sprinkle chopped toasted walnuts or chocolate chips onto the pancake before you flip. So now you've exceeded two ingredients, but Mom's worth it.

P.S. Don't forget the maple syrup.

*In all seriousness, I gave my mom a spontaneous hug today and she almost wept with joy and told me that it made her day. In conclusion: a) I do not give enough hugs, and b) moms are not as hard to please as we make them out to be. Moms just want to be loved.

And if you're more of the planning type...

What's in store for Mother's Day? Tell us in the comments below!

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See what other Food52 readers are saying.

  • Annabelle Parfitt
    Annabelle Parfitt
  • BerryBaby
I used to work at Food52. I'm probably the person who picked all of the cookie dough out of the cookie dough ice cream.


Annabelle P. October 25, 2017
I’ve been wanting to make these for a while but noticed a few common complaints with the 2-ingredient recipe; namely that the consistency is very 'eggy', and the pancakes are really hard to flip because the batter is so 'liquidy'. Some people also found the pancakes to be too flat and dense.

Taking this on board, I did some experimenting and came up with a tweaked recipe that includes almond meal and baking soda.

The almond meal helps bind the batter together, while keeping the pancakes tender and moist. The baking soda (activated with vinegar) makes the batter a little fluffier. It's important to note that there's no point adding the baking soda without an acidic ingredient to activate it; vinegar or lemon juice work equally well, and the quantity is so small you don't taste it.

These changes made a big difference, and the resulting pancakes are delicious with a lovely texture. Here’s the recipe, if you want to try it out:

To keep things healthy, I served mine with a dollop of yogurt, 100% fruit jam, and crushed pistachios - but any pancake topping works a treat. I hope you like them!
BerryBaby May 15, 2017
Personally, I wouldn't call these pancakes. They are fried, mashed, bananas. I'd rather melt butter, slice a banana in half and caramelize it on the cut side, then flip over for a minute or two. Delicious!