
Help Fight Childhood Hunger this Summer—Here's How

August  2, 2017

Hooray! Thanks to the help of their cardmembers, Citi has reached its goal and will donate $2 million to No Kid Hungry, which is enough to provide 20 million meals to kids in need. But you can still help! For more info, visit:

Thirteen million American children will face hunger this year. That means one in six US kids don't get the food they need, especially during the summer when school is out. These are staggering numbers, to say the least, and ones that we want to see come down to zero. But that requires a little help, so this summer, we're joining Citi in their Dine & Do Good program, which supports the organization No Kid Hungry in fighting childhood hunger in America.

Join us, Citi, and No Kid Hungry to Dine Out & Do Good to fight childhood hunger this year. Photo by Julia Gartland

From now through December 31, Citi will donate $1 each time a Citi cardmember spends $5 or more dining out with his or her enrolled Citi® card (you can enroll your Citi card here). They will donate up to $2 million, which is enough for No Kid Hungry to provide 20 million meals for kids in need across America.

No Kid Hungry also happens to be the charity we at Food52 are supporting in a big way in 2017—our community members chose them in March as the organization we'd direct our charitable giving to this year. One in six children in America suffer from hunger, our editor Lindsay-Jean reports; No Kid Hungry hopes to change this jaw-dropping statistic.

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As No Kid Hungry explains in their 2016 annual report, they work to close the gap between hungry children and programs like school breakfast, school lunch, and summer meals—when school-provided meals are not available for hungry children. No Kid Hungry builds "the will and skill to reach more kids with food." Through activism and education, the organization has provided 500 million meals since their launch in 2010. By the end of 2017, with Citi's support, we hope they can add 20 million more meals to that number. So what are you waiting for? Start dining out to do good, and stat.

Hooray! Thanks to the help of their cardmembers, Citi has reached its goal and will donate $2 million to No Kid Hungry, which is enough to provide 20 million meals to kids in need. But you can still help! For more info, visit:

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