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How to Store Basil & Stop It From Wilting Immediately

Caprese salad, here I come!

April  4, 2022
Photo by Julia Gartland

It may be the herb that turns thick slices of mozzarella cheese and tomato into a Caprese salad, or what perks up marinara sauce, lemon cocktails, and grilled corn. Unfortunately, basil is also a ticking time bomb: The very second I buy it from the market, it slouches and slumps. Its arms are touching its toes before I even get it into my kitchen, and over the course of the week (if that long!), I inevitably watch the once-perky bunch lose the will to live. It pains me, the defeatist feeling that there’s nothing I can do to keep my basil alive. In the blink of an eye, a bunch of basil leaves will lose their vibrant green color and turn brown (or worse)

There are lots of tips for the best way to store fresh basil leaves—and I’ve tried most of them, with little repeated or sustained success. So it’s time to approach the issue more strategically, testing the methods side by side in order to determine which one will be the true lifeline.

The Best Way to Store Basil, According to Experts

Before testing a few different methods myself—including storing basil at room temperature (both covered and uncovered in a glass jar), and storing basil in the fridge in a loose plastic bag—I reviewed what other cooking experts had to stay about this. Alexandra Stafford, who cooks a wondrous array of beautiful, delicious food (if you follow her on Instagram, I don’t have to tell you this), recommends storing the basil out of the fridge: Snip off any bands, trim the bottoms, then transfer to a tall jar with a small amount of water. But don't just abandon it there. Instead, treat the basil like a flower bouquet, changing the water every couple of days and making sure no leaves are below the waterline (otherwise, they’ll get slimy and discolored).

While most tender herbs will last longer if they’re stored clean and dry, I couldn’t find many authorities that recommended rinsing basil leaves before storage. Some experts advise loosely covering the bunch with a plastic bag: J. Kenji López-Alt of Serious Eats goes a step further. He has found that “keeping the tops of those herbs tightly covered by placing an overturned zipper-lock bag over them and sealing it against the base of the jar was also an essential step in keeping them fresh.” He stores herbs in sealed quart containers with just a small amount of water on the bottom. Would a tight seal be much more effective than a loose cover?

And most people say to keep basil at room temperature (as refrigeration will cause the leaves to darken and bruise), but you'll find dissenters out there (...can they be trusted? I shall see).

Testing Basil Storage Methods

Armed with that information, I bought a few big bunches of basil, split them up, fetched my prayer beads, and organized six tests.

The first method I tried, which no one recommends, is placing the unwashed basil in the fridge in the plastic bag or clamshell it came in. This method is also known as "the lazy gal's method” aka what my boyfriend would do if I weren't there to scold him harshly. There’s no strategy or logic to this method, so it’s no surprise that this doesn’t work great, especially in the long-term (more on that later).

The more popular way to store fresh herbs, including basil, is by following the flower bouquet method. Trim basil and place it in a jar with a bit of water so that the bottom of the stems are just touching the water. You don’t want them to be completely submerged in water, because that will actually cause them to go bad more quickly. From here, I tried four different approaches: storing basil at room temperature, uncovered; storing basil at room temperature with a loose plastic bag draped over the leaves; storing basil at room temperature in a sealed quart container; storing basil in the fridge in a loose bag.

Finally, the renegade of basil storage: storing the fresh leaves like salad greens. I picked, washed, and dried the leaves, then wrapped them in a dry paper towel, sealed the parcel in a plastic bag, and stored in the fridge

Every evening at 8 PM on the dot, I made my "basil rounds" (I'm a doctor, did you know?), examining each of my patients and taking copious notes on the firmness and color of the leaves, as well as the smell and "slime" of the bunch overall. I'll spare you the super detailed notes and get straight to a synopsis of the good, the bad, and the ugly.

And, a quick disclaimer: My apartment is very warm, and the A/C does not reach the kitchen. Additionally, many of the "room temperature" bunches were actually quite close to my often-in-use oven, which has no heat retention. In other words, it's a sauna in there. I'm sure all of the basil would've lasted longer in a more temperate environment. Keep this in mind as I share the results.

Day 1

Right away, winners were already being distinguished from the losers. The refrigerated bouquet was, out of the gate, the gloomiest and darkest of the bunch (my notes say: "Already sad and droopy. Wouldn't be proud to put this on a Caprese. Probably won't keep these past day 3").

All of the others looked okay (this was the first day, after all), though I did notice some black spots on the renegade leaves. The room temperature flower bouquets, both uncovered and covered, were holding up, though I had some concerns with the method: It was hard to know whether all of the leaves were getting sufficient water, and I felt like I had to peel off a lot of low-hanging leaves so that they wouldn't be submerged (which felt like a waste). Plus, the outer leaves seemed to have a higher propensity toward drooping than the inner ones.

As for the quart container bunch, I noticed troublesome condensation that I thought could lead to mold. I decided to keep the top of the container propped slightly open for the rest of the experiment so that there would be at least some air circulation.

The biggest surprise was that the control bag, which I just shoved into the fridge as it was, still looked just fine! I would've definitely used it to garnish a salad, with no need to blanch, pulverize, or manipulate it in any way.

Day 2

By Day 2, the control bag's fortunes had taken a sudden turn. It was droopy, with crushed brown leaves, and many of the outer leaves had started to fall off. Nothing smelled funky or moldy, but it would never win a beauty contest.

The other big loser? The refrigerated flower bouquet. While the inner part of the bunch was fine (green, perky, fresh), the outer leaves were drooping, and some were almost completely black.

I noticed that the room temp bouquets were starting to droop a little, but not dramatically. Although some of the leaves on the uncovered bouquet were starting to yellow, it was faring better than its covered counterpart. When I took that bunch out of the jar to freshen the water, many of the leaves fell off, and I noticed there was sliminess and discoloration at the bottom of the stems.

The quart container leaves looked perky and smelled fragrant, while the renegade leaves were pretty much the same as the day before.

Day 3

When mid-week rolled around, I declared the control bag nearly dead ("would not eat 90 percent of it"). The refrigerated bouquet was nearly as bad, except that some of the leaves in the middle remained green and firm. Compared to those two, the renegade leaves looked and smelled fresher, though black spots continued to proliferate.

As for the room temperature bunches, the basil stored in the quart container looked the best: "No leaves are completely black and fewer leaves are falling off!" I noted. The other bouquets, both covered and uncovered, were losing a lot of volume.

Day 4

This is when I started to eliminate some altogether. I declared the control basil and the refrigerated bouquet dead. Of the refrigerated options, the renegade method worked best, but by this point, almost all of the leaves were spotted with black.

I also decided that the uncovered bouquet was healthier than the covered one. The shrouded bunch was much droopier, with many black leaves and an off smell. The uncovered bouquet still smelled fresh, with only a couple of discolored leaves. (Could it be because the uncovered bunch was slightly larger, with a high-sided jar that helped it to stand tall?)

Day 5

At this point, I'd crossed off all of the refrigerated options. Not only were the renegade leaves black and slimy, but they also smelled funky. That left the three room temperature options, among which the loosely covered bunch was definitely the weakest link. It was droopier and darker than the uncovered bouquet, and some of the leaves had even started to grow mold.

And so I was down to the uncovered bunch and the quart container bunch, both of which were fairly happy and healthy, even into the morning of Day 6.

Yes, there were black spots, some droopiness, and—in the case of the uncovered bunch—a thinning of leaves, but they looked and smelled fresh. Some of the leaves were even pristine enough to adorn an open-faced sandwich!

So Which Method Is the Best?

If you have to, you can store your basil in a plastic bag, just as it is, in the fridge, for a few hours. My "control basil" was fine for the first day or so. No need to tend to it immediately. You can also pluck the leaves, wash and dry them, and store them like salad greens if you're going to be using them within a day. That's the renegade technique, and it also presented no issues for the first couple of days.

For longer-term storage, avoid the refrigerator! Store your basil like a flower bouquet—uncovered—or tuck it into a quart, leaving the top propped open. Both work well, but I actually prefer the quart container method: It has the advantage of containing your bunch, which seems to stymy droopage and prevent leaves from shedding onto the counter. Bunch 2C seemed to maintain its volume better than 2A (this might not be an issue if you're using a little basil every day).

Where to Store Basil

Keep your basil in a sunny—but not hot—location (a tricky balance). I've taken to keeping my basil in the windowsill in my bedroom, which is air-conditioned at night. Recognize that a) your basil probably won't stay good for "weeks" (I'd say six days, max) and that b) you're going to lose some leaves. Even the best storage methods presume that you'll use the basil throughout the week, rather than buying it six days in advance and waiting to eat it.

Sure, keeping six bunches of wilting basil in my very small kitchen for a week was unduly stressful, but I feel more confident knowing the methods that are proven to work.

Okay, lay it on me: How do you keep your basil bunches fresh? Do tell me in the comments below!
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I used to work at Food52. I'm probably the person who picked all of the cookie dough out of the cookie dough ice cream.


Ann S. July 10, 2023
Last week at the market they had whole basil plants, roots and all (no soil though). I put a whole plant in a standard-mouth quart canning jar with a couple of inches of water and popped an extra-large Ziploc over the top, only loosely sealed. Changed the water every other day. A week later what's left tastes, smells and looks pristine. There have been no new black spots since Day 2 and I just removed those few leaves. If I can get another plant this week I'll try uncovered so it can be a bouquet on the dining table. I'm so glad to have finally found some methods to keep herbs from rotting the moment they come through the door! Right now I also have parsley, cilantro and dill in little bouquets in glass canning jars in the fridge (covered with plastic bags over top, sealed with rubber bands) and that's worked well for me, but I may try room temperature for those too.
Picky P. July 9, 2023
I establish a healthy basil plant on my patio. As I need basil, I pinch off 6 to 8 inches off top from mother plant, strip off all the leaves from this strip except for the top 3 or so leaves. Cut the stem leaving at least 2 nodules, put into a small glass with water and in a couple it will grow roots. Plant in a pot and place on patio with mother plant And before you know it you have more basil than you can use. In that case, chop up a batch, stir in either water or olive oil, freeze in ice cube trays to use for the future. I am never without fresh basil and use the frozen in cooking recipes. Good luck!
Picholine July 10, 2023
I too am never without fresh or frozen basil. I have a bumper crop now from planting seeds or potted basil as you do. I take fresh basil from my garden and when I pinch it back I fill about a cup of pinched back basil in sandwich bags and throw in the freezer. In the middle of winter I will take out a bag and crush to put in my sauce. I often have a plant nearby of fresh I’ve rooted even from store bought .
judysan July 9, 2023
The only way I buy fresh basil anymore is the basil plants growing in recyclable little starter pots with a sleeve of stiff plastic coming up around them. I buy these at Whole Foods and a couple other grocery stores in my home in Eugene, OR. Not sure why this wasn't included in Sarah's article or tests, but maybe not available where she is. Since they are still planted in soil, all I have to do is make sure the soil stays moist until I use them. They don't need to go in the fridge. They've lasted fine for a few weeks this way.
Julie F. July 9, 2023
My bunches of basil land in a little glass vase to sit on the kitchen counter - and the perfume of fresh basil is bliss!
Nita July 9, 2023
I my basil is my bouquet! After a week it will sprout roots and you can plant it!
sws July 9, 2023
This year I planted 2 basil plants in pots on my deck. They seem to love the location and have grown vigorously. This is the first time I've ever had fresh basil on demand and will probably stick with this method!
Rebecca C. May 25, 2023
I live in central Oregon and the best way I’ve found to store basil is to create a bouquet with freshly snipped stems and placing them (in water) in a clear drinking glass . I then place a glass cloche over the entire thing. Note: I use those little round cabinet stoppers on the plate/base to keep a slight amount of air flowing around the bouquet. It acts like a terrarium and keeps the basil fresh for at least three weeks or more. The stems will develop roots and keep growing; I pinch the flowers and change the water every two to three days.
alicat74 May 24, 2023
Sorry, I don’t understand what you mean by “a sealed quart container.” Is that a zip-to9p bag? Or a large jar? Confused by what this means.
Lauren C. May 25, 2023
Quart container is a standard restaurant method of storage. Think “tall to go container”. Hope that helps.
alicat74 May 26, 2023
Thank you!
fxdp July 9, 2023
Still not loving your description. To me that sounds like a large styrofoam glass with a thin plastic lid, and I really have no idea of the container you’re describing. Care to have another try?
Christine July 9, 2023
A quart deli container
fxdp July 9, 2023
Thanks, but no help at all. Deli container? Maybe where you live that's a standard thing, but to me it means little. I have gotten deli food in all sorts of containers. Has everyone abdicated an actual description? Shape? Material? Really, the only container I know of that gets grandfathered as a generic is "milk bottle."

Or failing an actual description, perhaps a photo?
chenbot July 10, 2023
fxdp July 10, 2023
Thanks -- Google to the rescue! Helpful.
LadyR July 10, 2022
Most simple way to keep fresh Basil plant crispy fresh Indefinitely…

Someplace in your dwelling choose a location where you can leave a low wattage lamp plugged in and turned on 24/7.

I bring home a small potted basil plant from the store produce dept. Water it well and on a saucer place the pot under the lamp.

The basil continues to grow for months. Continues to grow, stays fresh like new. Pull off leaves to use as needed.
Works every time and I have used this method since 1976 when I first started writing weekly gourmet newspaper columns.

Lady Carolyne Lederer-Ralston
Cindy June 4, 2022
On the kitchen counter in a tall glass with water. Sometimes it will even root and can be planted.
kiwicotage June 3, 2022
This week in Florida, Fresh Market has the most beautiful fresh large Herb plants for $5.99. Just bought healthy gorgeous basil, sage, rosemary and thyme. All fragrant and robust.
Janet M. June 3, 2022
In Florida, stick the rosemary and thyme in the ground and you will have them both for years. Sage might keep going, too, I'm not sure about that one. As long as there is no frost, and you keep pinching out the tops of the basil plant, it will go on indefinitely. I love Fresh Market which serves a lot of small towns here in the SE.
jpriddy July 9, 2023
I live on the Oregon coast and grow thyme, rosemary, and sage year around. A hard frost might knock them back, but they don't die. Most herbs are hardy enough to return, even oregano. Basil is tender and will die off completely in the garden.
tastysweet July 9, 2023
I too am in FL. I usually shop at Fresh Market. But haven’t in the last couple of weeks. My only concern about bringing a potted plant indoors is that it may contain bugs.
Cval52 June 3, 2022
Keep mine at room temp in a sealed mason jar with wet paper towels in the bottom. Also do for thyme and rosemary
RM May 23, 2022
I buy a plant in the supermarket and keep it on my patio (which gets little sunshine during the day). However I make sure to water it frequently a few times a week (when top inch or so is dry) and this gives me a consistent source of basil for the warm months. I pick off the biggest leaves when I need it for a recipe. I should try freezing unused portions for the winter.
Janet M. May 23, 2022
Start plucking the tops, too, in order to keep the plant from flowering. I suspect you may already do this or it wouldn't last so long.
karen May 22, 2022
Florida here...Store-bought usually Publix small potted plant Pinch off the bottom leaves to use within a day or two in a damp paper towel. Cut all long stems off the potted plant and place them in a jar of water covering the stems with no leaves East window they grow roots within a week ones that don't I use immediately. I have bought non-root basil from the market wrap wet paper towel stick in a glass jar with a bit of water and the paper towel wicks the water and helps the stems root. Only stems don't wrap the leave. Replanting the whole potted plant but dividing its roots to spread out & get more air, with now stubs of a plant, once it's out in the sun it gets super large leaves and a wild-looking plant with abundant growth. I cut off branches, place them in water in a jar in an E-facing window, and let them root like the 1st store-bought plant at the beginning of the year. BOTTOM LINE. Find what works for you. But don't let leaves fall in water don't submerge leaves on stems these are the same suggestions for any bouquets you want to last. I really like wrapping stems in paper towels wet and a bit of water in the jar to wick up the stem. I can keep a basil bunch in my car all day till I get home like this then just stick it in a jar to root in the paper towel using the non-rooting and leaves that fall off. I might even have my coffee cup fill with water and place the wrapped basil in this in my cooler too.Ice cube in the water if I can
andloistoo May 21, 2022
Much ado about nothing....for years I've been picking my basil as a bouquet, removing the lower leaves and putting it in a glass vase with water covering at least 3" of the stems. This works so well that roots will form and I can replant for continuous basil. My kitchen window faces east and I keep the vase on the table in front of the window.
patricia G. July 9, 2023
My method, too. The basil sprigs shouldn't be too crowded, the lower leaves carefully pinched off, the water changed so it doesn't go cloudy. Kept on my kitchen windowsill, the basil sprigs soon grow roots. You can grow them hydroponically for a while, but I plant most of them in soil outside.Keep pinching the tops of those outside plants and bring them indoors to make more small bouquets and you'll have basil all summer.
Charlotte May 21, 2022
Wow, what a confusing article. You mention bunch 2a and 2c at the end of the article but I didn’t see that anywhere else in the article. So which bunches are these?
Jamie C. May 20, 2022
Basil hates the cold of the fridge...always leave it out in a bit of water!
David H. May 20, 2022
I originally thought so too, for many, many years but once I put the basil in the a vase of water and covered the leaves with a plastic baggie, it was incredible. Fresh basil for two weeks.
Nancy B. May 20, 2022
I freeze basil leaves and use it throughout the year and it is tasteful and delicious! I realize that this is not how to use it while still fresh off the vine.
Ed H. July 9, 2023
I've put mine in olive oil and frozen it in an ice cube tray. Then just drop a cube or two in a recipe. Not for fresh salads, etc, obviously.
Margery J. May 20, 2022
I’ve had my “bouquet” of basil begin to grow roots and planted it with success.
missymaam May 20, 2022
So really, nobody knows.
David H. May 20, 2022
I've got the answer. I live in NYC and get my basil from the grocery store or from the green market in the summer. I too did not have the answer, until now. Rinse the roots clean from any dirt first. Fill a glass vase 1/3rd full of water. Put the basil in the vase and covered the vase loosely with a clear grocery store baggie. Put the covered vase of basil in the fridge. The basil lasts a couple of weeks. No water changes are needed. Just don't let basil leaves drop and rot in the water.

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