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September 25, 2024
I found out that herbal medicine is the best to get rid of herpes virus because I have just been cured from the virus, I took the healing process by contacting dr excel for natural herbal treatment which really works wonders by neutralizing the virus, I have not felt the horrible symptoms and outbreaks anymore and my medical doctor told me the virus is gone after several test, I'm glad I finally got cured from this nasty disease. anyone with herpes should get in touch with this herbal man to get cured from that virus. his website: https://drakhiniemodion.wixsite.com/drakhimien his number +2349133157031
February 4, 2023
Yellow mustard, slathered directly on the burn and reapplied when pain returns. I grabbed a 425 degree skillet handle and had zero blistering. Thanks, Mom!
January 5, 2019
Before going to the hospital with a third degree burn on my hand, I put my hand under water that was lukewarm, but NOT cold and I did NOT use an ice pack, as I erroneously learned to do decades ago in a first aid class. Current research indicates that you protect your cells from further damage by NOT using ice and not using home remedies like oils. The doc did a skin graft. I used aquaphor ointment--a non-scented air-impermeable, inexpensive, clear ointment--afterwards and you cannot tell that it ever happened.
December 29, 2018
This morning I have seen so many great articles on 52, but the images are just too small for sharing with pinterest, please fix this issue I am sure you will Start seeing sharing when there are larger images to share! ✨🔆❗📌📌
November 16, 2018
For smallish and mild burns lavendar oil is a miracle for the pain and for quick healing. I’ve been using it since I was a kid and it’s never failed.
Caroline M.
December 12, 2018
Yes! Lavender every time, for me. I hold the place under running cold water for as long as I can, first, then dry it and put neat lavender essential oil straight onto it. Reapply as necessary. It’s magical, and I would never be without it (it’s very good on mossie/midgie bites, too, takes the itch right away).
Vicky D.
November 15, 2018
I read about applying cold milk for burns. I've been using it for years and works every time. If it's a finger burn I submerge the finger in cold milk for 20 min. Or if the burn can't be submerged I soak a sterile bandage in the milk and apply for 20 min. I wouldn't use anything else!
Angela R.
November 12, 2018
I cured a sugar burn one Christmas by taking the advice of my sorority sister and using cold yellow mustard right on the burn. The burn was on the fleshy part of the palm under my thumb. As the mustard started to harden, I kept reapplying cold mustard until the burn didn't hurt anymore. No blister, no scar. Made me a believer!
November 12, 2018
I once burned the palms of both my hands as I removed a large oven tray with pizza on it from my oven using folded dishtowels that were not 100% dry. The wet dishtowels conducted the heat immediately, and my palms were so painful. I made a plaster from bicarb and some water (as I had no burn gel in the house) and wrapped them in damp towels for a few hours. By the next morning, there was no sting left in the burns, I never blistered and there were no scars. I don't know what that magic was, but it worked like a charm. Now I keep a burn gel out on the counter, just to be on the safe side...
November 11, 2018
The Mayo clinic should be up to date but..... The best dressing available for burns can be found in your local drugstore. Any dressing with hydrogel (gelled water) in it is the best treatment. Hydrogels are routinely used in hospitals for dressing small open wounds. For burn dressings they exclude the air and keep the surface moist which means no pain and fast healing. I keep them in my first aid kit and use them as necessary. For large burns head to your nearest hospital.
November 11, 2018
I picked up a pan with a hot handle that had been moving back and forth from stovetop to oven forgetting the oven mitt. We put on wet black tea bags and wrapped it. The next day I was planning on going to the urgent care. When we unwrapped it you could not even tell anything had happened.
November 12, 2018
Yes my husband looked it up on google and found it. He put cold black tea bags and wrapped it in an old tee shirt. It hurt but no more than anything else would and it worked so well we do it for sunburns too.
November 10, 2018
Running water is good for the immediate soothing, but if it's a bad burn, it'll hurt the minute the water stops. So, I usually keep burns cool for as long as possible - a bag/glass of ice against burn for an hour or two. Then, cover in the blue lidocaine gel you can buy for sunburns.
November 10, 2018
I have only burned myself twice in 47 years. Once when I was removing a dish from the oven with mitts on, I touched the top of both arms to the top of the oven. Hurt like the dickens, didn't drop the dish and was a mild burn. Second time I grabbed the knob on the lid of my cast iron casserole with my bare hand (don't ask). I did drop the lid, but back on to the pot. Ran my hand under cold water and then a bit of aloe vera. I am super careful now and if there is something really heavy, I get hubs to lift it out.
November 9, 2018
If you have a chemical burn (eg from cutting up jalapeños or other hot peppers), don’t bother with rinsing in water, instead soak the burn in liquid Mylanta.
November 13, 2018
I burned my hands horribly when cutting up several pounds of jalapeños without gloves. It was to the point that I was ready to go to the ER. But I called the CDC’s poison control hotline first. They saved my hands and a trip to the ER. Highly recommend keeping liquid Maalox around for this purpose.
November 9, 2018
Cold water (or cold vodka) is better, but in a pinch, your ear lobe can absorb a surprising amount of heat- grab a lobe for small finger burns, at least until you can get to a sink.
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