C'mon, It's Just 7 Days
The Unexpected Thing I Learned When I Went Vegan for One Week
It has nothing to do with cheese.
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November 21, 2024
November 21, 2024
October 15, 2019
Oh my gosh! Your closing sentence has me laughing in commiseration and delight! About to orchestrate my own trial run at this, credit due to Valter Longo's Longevity Diet book.
rainbow G.
January 12, 2019
Scrambled eggs were one of the few things I could stand to cook and eat during my 9 1/2 month long pregnancy. (She was late and yes, I had morning sickness the entire time.) It is a comfort food for me too!
January 12, 2019
If you want to try a vegan sub for eggs, people say these are quite good https://www.justforall.com/en-us/products/consumer/egg
I've not tried them yet since they're not appreciably healthier in their nutrient profile
I've not tried them yet since they're not appreciably healthier in their nutrient profile
Aileen F.
January 12, 2019
If you're missing scrambled eggs that much, why not scrambled tofu (i like my eggs soft, so medium firm tofu is best) with turmeric for color and black salt for that "eggy"/ sulfuric taste/ smell?
Emma L.
January 14, 2019
I've heard lots of good things about scrambled tofu, but still have yet to try it! I must.
January 12, 2019
Banana tahini smoothie! I don't buy alternative milks, so I used almond flour, water, crushed ice, banana and tahini. An encouraging article.
January 18, 2019
I never thought about making alternative milk from almond flour! what a great idea - is there a ratio you follow?
January 19, 2019
I'm not that exacting :/ I just added about a tablespoon for about a cup of water.
January 10, 2019
Hi Emma,
I’m so glad you realized that eggs and warmth made you feel better! Your writing is lovely, but as an acupuncturist and dietary therapist, I cringed when reading about you deciding to take on a fast like veganism in the winter months. I would suggest with an injury like you have, to seek help from an acupuncturist, but also nourish your body with healthy fats (as many different types of fat as possible: butter, ghee, tallow, lard, avocado, coconut, etc.) these will provide your body with lubricants and build up things like collagen. Please try switching from ice packs to heating pads or hot epsom soak baths (adding lavender makes it extra special). Ice makes everything stiff and brittle (great for the inflammation of an initial injury though), heat makes things soft and pliable (think candy making). Hope you feel better!
I’m so glad you realized that eggs and warmth made you feel better! Your writing is lovely, but as an acupuncturist and dietary therapist, I cringed when reading about you deciding to take on a fast like veganism in the winter months. I would suggest with an injury like you have, to seek help from an acupuncturist, but also nourish your body with healthy fats (as many different types of fat as possible: butter, ghee, tallow, lard, avocado, coconut, etc.) these will provide your body with lubricants and build up things like collagen. Please try switching from ice packs to heating pads or hot epsom soak baths (adding lavender makes it extra special). Ice makes everything stiff and brittle (great for the inflammation of an initial injury though), heat makes things soft and pliable (think candy making). Hope you feel better!
January 12, 2019
Veganism isn’t a fast? There are plenty of healthy fats she can eat on a vegan diet, her husband couldn’t sautée onions without them...
(No, I’m not a vegan, but my husband is plant based and I’m trying to do better)
(No, I’m not a vegan, but my husband is plant based and I’m trying to do better)
Ella Q.
January 10, 2019
Emma, what a lovely piece! Thank you for undertaking the challenge—and for sticking with it. Can't wait to try some of your favorite recipes from the week.
January 12, 2019
I’d love to hear some hints. I’ve made those cookie and they tasted oily to me, but they’re really popular!
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