Genius Recipes
Extra-Creamy Beans From Scratch—Without Babysitting
This week’s Genius Recipe stems from the Tuscan tradition of throwing a flask of beans in the embers (without needing a flask or embers).

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You can use the extra beans by adding to other beans and grains for lunch or the likes like I do every day for lunch...The water (Aquafaba) you can use for stocks, miso soups, and also when making polenta. Hope it helped...Thanks for your time. Best, Roberto
I was looking up John Thorne and his book POT ON THE FIRE, which was mentioned in another reader’s comments. I wanted to find out more about beans as I love beans. And I was so happy to read about Food 52’s method of cooking beans in the oven which looks so wonderful. And is still wonderful I think. But,....
I found a site talking about John Thorne’s method but also cautioned that you do have to BOIL RED KIDNEY BEANS FOR 10 to 30 MINUTES, because THEY HAVE A TOXIN. I can’t believe I didn’t now this but dried RED KIDNEY BEANS have a TOXIN that requires at least 10 minutes of boiling at 212°F to destroy. Scientists do recommend 30 minutes though to be safe. Even white kidney bean relatives like the cannelloni beans also have this toxin but to a much lesser extent. I don’t know about all the beans of the world. The red kidney bean has the most. And they are completely safe after the initial boil to cook in anyway that you prefer. So using a slow cooker or cooking in the oven for these beans is okay IF YOU BOIL THEM FIRST for 10-30 minutes!
According to the Scientific report that I read just 5 or 6 beans incorrectly cooked could cause illness. No, not 300 lbs. I wouldn’t have mentioned it if it was 300 lbs.... But please do check it out for yourself. Please do search on the Internet.
Only then do they recommend boiling 10+ minutes (that's the recommendation from the FDA). What's very clear to me from both experience and the already deep research that Thorne (and generations upon generations of people before him): you do NOT need to boil beans in order to thoroughly/fully cook them. Mine cook for about 4 hours -- and they're fully cooked.
I'll take cooking advice from grandmas over the FDA 100% of the time.
The one note I add for those I've given it to: depending on the pot you use, it can take some work to get the temperature right inside the pot (ie, ~200 degrees F).
I keep an old pizza stone on the bottom rack of my oven, which also helps in ensure even cooking and steady temperature.
If you preheat the entire pot on the stove, esp if it's enameled cast iron, it's probably less of an issue. But my beans are room temp and the clay pot doesn't retain heat like the cast iron.
I love beans, so when I saw your post on beans, I had to watch your video. Here’s one of my favorite way to eat beans. In a skillet with some olive oil cook one chopped onion, chopped green bell peppers salt and cook on medium heat for 5-6 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add 2 cloves of garlic finely minced stir in well. Add 1 teaspoon of oregano 1/4 teaspoon of cumin and cook for a minute or so. Add 1/4 cup of tomato sauce. Pour to the beans and cook for a few minutes. Serve with white rice. Enjoy 😊
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