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April 25, 2021
Something I don’t see mentioned that I learned many years ago is to have a lit candle nearby when cutting onions. It actually works. I did it just 3 days ago.
November 12, 2020
Allicin is extremely healthy - it fights cancer and many diseases, and also boosts immunity. I opt for the swimming goggles and keep the allicin! I recommend checking out Fiber Fueled written by a doctor for more details on allicin
Chip T.
November 11, 2020
There is an "onion hack" video currently circulating that recommends chewing gum while slicing onions to prevent tears. Any truth to that?
Nara L.
November 10, 2020
My son gave me his paintball goggles/mask. It worked like a charm! These days I wear my sunglasses. Works every time.
Frank P.
November 9, 2020
Soak a paper towel in water, ring it out a decent amount, and hang it above your cutting board on a cabinet or place it next to the board. That, or run your sink water while cutting. Learned it when I used to slice unions on the slicer at a pizza place. Works every time!
Frank P.
November 9, 2020
Soak a paper towel in water, ring it out a decent amount, and hang it above your cutting board on a cabinet or polace it next to the board. That, or run your sink water while cutting. Learned it when I used to slice unions on the slicer at a pizza place. Works every time!
November 9, 2020
I got great "home remedy" advice a few years ago. Sniff vanilla just before and during cutting onions. It greatly reduces crying!
November 8, 2020
In the case of onions try holding your breath. Move face away from cutting are for next breaths. Not totally foolproof but does wonders. Perhaps something to do w sense of smell requiring oxygen? And smell perhaps contributes to the burn? Or inhalation pulls acrid air deeper into sinuses closer to tear ducts?
November 4, 2020
I refrigerate my onions and shallots but I also wear a pair of "onion goggles". They are goggles that have foam surrounding each part of the eye so no allicin can waft under the eyepiece. They sell them in cookware stores and they work great!
November 1, 2020
I own a cooking school that teaches home cooks. This question comes up all the time. Yes colder onions but storing onions for the long term is not good for an onion. So yes one has to plan to place in fridge. Best to also a very sharp knife. Dull knives cause cooks to press hard and saw and literally squeeze/mist out more onion juice. I also find the taller one is the further away from the cutting board the better...but I"m only 5'1" so I am much closer to the action. Also very important...the 'greener' the onion, meaning picked soon will have more issues.
November 1, 2020
I cut them on a board next to the stove with a burner turned on. It works extremely well to avoid tears.
Judy G.
November 8, 2020
interesting....I'll try it. this wouldn't work in our Foods lab at school, but interesting!
Judy G.
November 1, 2020
I teach high school cooking classes and found this article so helpful. When we do knife skills I have 20 students cutting onions at a time! Some are bothered and most aren't. I often put a fan on to "move the fumes" away but I guess that isn't wise. I have often wondered if the sharpness of a chef's knife makes a difference?
November 1, 2020
I teach adult home cooks and YES the sharpness of the knife makes a huge difference. Instead of pressing hard and sawing to cut the onion which makes the juices atomize a sharp knife is essential...actually for all work in the kitchen.
November 1, 2020
I wear swim goggles when I cut onions. I look ridiculous, but they work well to protect my eyes from the allicin fumes.
When I was a kid, my stepmom used to tell me that the more tears you cry when slicing an onion, the more "jhaj" (flavor, pungency) it has. I am unsure if that is true or just an old Indian (Bengali) cooking myth, or a way she helped me feel better about my tears. It makes me wonder: does cutting the onion cold, and/or soaking the cut pieces in water, make it lose its flavor?
When I was a kid, my stepmom used to tell me that the more tears you cry when slicing an onion, the more "jhaj" (flavor, pungency) it has. I am unsure if that is true or just an old Indian (Bengali) cooking myth, or a way she helped me feel better about my tears. It makes me wonder: does cutting the onion cold, and/or soaking the cut pieces in water, make it lose its flavor?
Anusha J.
November 2, 2020
On the "...the more tears you cry when slicing an onion, the more "jhaj" (flavor, pungency) it has...", as a fellow South-Asian, Indian I can attest to the fact that I have also heard of such tales from literally everyone in my family :) We say the onion is "teekha" (spicy) which I think is in reference to the pungency of the onion rather than actual spice, as in heat.
November 1, 2020
Enjoyed the article! I will start prechilling onions. Another lesson from high school chemistry lab besides googles is to cut the onions under the exhaust hood (turned to high exhaust) of your stovetop. Not perfect but helps too.
Debby K.
November 1, 2020
I have found that wearing contact lenses reduce significantly the likelihood that cutting onions will make me cry.
Judy G.
November 8, 2020
I'll remember this and ask my students that cry if they wear contacts!! It could definitely be a part of protecting our eyes from the "fumes" ...
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