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May 9, 2010
Hi, I'm new posting here -- just made the rhubarb ginger downside up cake for Mother's Day and posted my comments already, but would love to read what others think of it. BTW, I live in eastern Massachusetts and there was rhubarb at several stands at my farmer's market -- which just opened for the season yesterday, hooray!
Amanda H.
May 10, 2010
Hi guineverek -- thanks for trying out the recipe and commenting. Now I want to try it out, too!
May 8, 2010
OK, I've been to every grocery store and farm stand within a 15-mile radius of my house (including Fairway and Whole Foods), and I cannot find rhubarb anywhere. So unfortunately, I am not going to be able to test Abbie's Strawberry-Rhubarb-Kiwi pie this weekend. Would someone else like it? (Sorry.)
May 8, 2010
That's too bad and frustrating as well drbabs! I live in East Islip and crazily, Stop and Shop ALWAYS has rhubarb, no matter how poor the rest of their produce section is. The strawberry rhubarb kiwi pie sounds great though. I'd test it myself but I am wiped from running a 25k this morning!
May 8, 2010
25K--good for you!
I've been to 2 Stop and Shop's, Waldbaum's, Pathmark (which usually has a wide variety of produce), Wild by Nature, Fairway & Whole Foods--no rhubarb. And I'm making dessert for Mother's Day tomorrow so I was soooo looking forward to it.
I've been to 2 Stop and Shop's, Waldbaum's, Pathmark (which usually has a wide variety of produce), Wild by Nature, Fairway & Whole Foods--no rhubarb. And I'm making dessert for Mother's Day tomorrow so I was soooo looking forward to it.
May 8, 2010
drbabs, are you in New York? Rhubarb was all over the Greenmarket at Union Square this morning.
May 8, 2010
I'm on Long Island (40 miles from NYC). I will actually be in the city tomorrow, but I am helping my daughter move into her apartment. Thanks. If we get to Union Square...
May 7, 2010
Congrats to all of the Editor's Picks and thanks to all who test the recipes!
May 7, 2010
If nobody steps up, I'd also be willing to test the rhubarb tians. I'm a sucker for anything with rhubarb and whipped cream.
May 7, 2010
Update: A few recipes still need testers -- Roasted Rhubarb Tian, Ramp and Watercress Soup with Crispy Shallots, and Ramped Up Cardoons (though ChezSuzanne has offered to step in if there are no other takers). A big thank you to all who have already volunteered!
May 8, 2010
RE: Ramped up Cardoons recipe: I've gone to 5 grocery stores so far and no ramps to be found. No cardoons either, although I might find some of those at a large farmer's market I'm going to tomorrow. Since I saw some Bay Area folks post ramp recipes, I was hopeful that WF or other big veggie store might have some, but so far no luck. Are there any other takers for this very delicious sounding recipe??
May 8, 2010
They are really the "forgotten vegetable"!! Believe or not they are considered an invasive plant. I have a couple in my garden. They grow them in Castroville,too. Some farmer's markets carry them, esp ones that carry artichokes. You can substitute artichoke hearts if you do them according to my recipe for Heart of Gold. Just don't bread and fry them. Instead after pre cooking them use just as you would a cardoon...flavor is very similar. I would give you some of mine except that I am out of town until Thursday...quick trip to Atlanta.
May 8, 2010
Thanks Dymnyno! But my biggest concern right now is finding the ramps. Any tips? I've been to all the grocery stores in the Mill Valley, San Rafael and San Anselmo triangle. I thought I'd call over to the Berkeley Bowl in Berkeley.
May 8, 2010
Berkeley Bowl had them a few weeks ago . . .you should call both stores because sometimes one will have something that the other doesn't. Piedmont Grocery might also have them. If they do, let me know, and I'll pick some up for you and meet you halfway. I'm walking distance (to Piedmont Grocery) and go in there several times a week anyway. You'd be amazed at the things I find there. ;o)
May 8, 2010
There were lots of ramps in the Union Square Greenmarket today, but I was told this was the last Saturday for them. So maybe they're already done out by you?
May 8, 2010
It takes a village. A Food52 village. Thanks for all the tips! Both Berkeley Bowl stores are out of ramps, but expect some in on Monday. Keeping my fingers crossed!
May 8, 2010
You guys are all great! Thanks so much for all the help. AJ, thanks SO MUCH for the offer to meet me half way BTW - I know you must be so busy! Really such a nice offer. And MrsWheelbarrow thanks goes out to you too for the offer to make them. I'm going to call BB Monday and see if the ramps have come in. Between them and a large farmer's mkt I'm going to tomorrow I think I'll find the cardoons.
May 9, 2010
Help! When I called back to Berkeley Bowl just now to verify the ramps really were coming in, I talked this time to their produce mgr and he doesn't know when they'll be getting more. I'm a little nervous now about getting ramps and don't want to cancel out at literally the last minute. Mrs. Wheelbarrow can you still make this recipe and substitute artichokes for the cardoons? I'll send you a msg off your page too in case that works. Really sorry Mary!! And hope I'm not catching you at the last minute too MrsWheelbarrow!!
May 9, 2010
You caught me just as I was heading into the kitchen to pickle the ramps! I'll get artichokes tomorrow and will be happy to test. I would love to find cardoons. I grew them from seed last year, but the mature plants didn't survive the deer.
May 7, 2010
the Bacon Wrapped Ramps sounds like a great starter for Sunday Dinner. I'll make them.
wish I could test some of the rhubarb recipes, but it's so high in oxalic acid my fingers curl at the very thought. 8-( so I have to pass.
wish I could test some of the rhubarb recipes, but it's so high in oxalic acid my fingers curl at the very thought. 8-( so I have to pass.
May 7, 2010
It appears this recipe has already been claimed (for now, we're still sticking with one official tester per recipe), but please feel free to add your notes to the recipe's comments section.
Kelsey B.
May 6, 2010
Don't forget your Rhubarb Ginger Preserves from The Cook & The Gardener. It is a favorite of mine!
May 6, 2010
If it's ok I would like to also test the Rhubarb Hazelnut Oatmeal squares.
May 7, 2010
It looks like MGrace has already claimed this one, but please feel free to add your notes to the recipe's comments section if you do try it out!
May 6, 2010
AJ, I'm anxious to see your rhubarb risotto review. I'm on the road until Wednesday, so can't test this week, but that would have been my choice!
May 6, 2010
I bought some canaroli rice for the risotto week, but was much too busy with some deals for clients then, even on the weekend . . . . so I'm glad to be testing this. Nothing like a deadline to get something done!! ;o)
May 6, 2010
If someone picks my Ramped Up Cardoons...I know that cardoons are hard to find. You can use artichoke hearts if you do them according to my Heart of Gold recipe without breading and frying them.
May 6, 2010
I'm happy to take this if I can take two (I picked up a rhubarb one to test this week). I love cardoons - my challenge has been in finding ramps. But I'll wait and give folks a chance who haven't picked a recipe to test yet.
May 8, 2010
ChezSuzanne, if you're still up for it, we'd love for you to test the Ramped Up Cardoons. Thank you!
May 6, 2010
I'd love to test the Fresh Fettuccine with Bacon, Ramps and an Egg if it's still available - you know I can't resist anything with an egg on top!
May 6, 2010
AND - many congrats to all the great cooks and recipes already tested and picked!!!!!!
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