
Winner of Your Best Buckle, Slump, Grunt, Crumble, Etc.

August  7, 2013

Congratulations to EmilyC, whose Perfect Peach-Blueberry Pandowdy won the contest for Your Best Buckle, Slump, Grunt, Crumble, Cobbler, Crisp, Sonker, Pandowdy, and/or Betty


1. Describe an early food experience that has influenced the way you think about food and/or cooking.  
My mom has greatly influenced the way I approach cooking and entertaining. From her, I learned that the key to good cookies is to remove them from the oven before you think they’re done. She taught me the importance of seasoning to taste as I cook -- and to not shy away from butter and cream. For better or worse, she taught me that you can’t have too many serving pieces, platters, and silverware for setting a special table, even if you lack the storage space for them!

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2. What’s your least favorite kitchen task
Unloading the dishwasher, hands down! 

3. Your favorite kitchen tool?
It’s technically my husband’s, but I love the copper hamburger ring that his grandfather made. It’s beautiful from many years of use.  We use it every time we make burgers.

4. What is your idea of comfort food?
Staying with the burger theme, I’d say a cheeseburger with French fries and a thick chocolate malt.

5. What is your greatest kitchen disaster?
While it may not rank as my greatest kitchen disaster, I recently spilled a new bag of Penzey’s cocoa all over my stove and floor. (I hadn’t sealed it completely after my prior use, a very bad habit of mine.) It was a colossal mess to clean up, and I’m pretty sure there’s still cocoa lurking in weird places throughout my kitchen.

See what other Food52 readers are saying.

  • Midge
  • inpatskitchen
  • darksideofthespoon
  • JanetFL
  • fiveandspice
Food52 (we cook 52 weeks a year, get it?) is a food and home brand, here to help you eat thoughtfully and live joyfully.


Midge August 8, 2013
Congrats Emily! Can't wait to make your pandowdy.
EmilyC August 8, 2013
Thanks Midge! Hope you try and like it!
inpatskitchen August 8, 2013
Warmest congratulations Emily!!
EmilyC August 8, 2013
Thanks Pat, appreciate it!
darksideofthespoon August 8, 2013
Congrats! My worst cooking disaster is the same as yours, hehe.
EmilyC August 8, 2013
Well, it's nice to hear I'm in fantastic company! : )
JanetFL August 7, 2013
Another win! Congratulations, Emily!
EmilyC August 8, 2013
Many thanks, Janet!
fiveandspice August 7, 2013
Woo woo! Go Em!
EmilyC August 8, 2013
Thank you Em!
Madhuja August 7, 2013
Congratulations, Emily! Great job! :)
EmilyC August 8, 2013
Thanks so much, Madhuja!
lisina August 7, 2013
congratulations emily! you are racking up the wins!!!
EmilyC August 8, 2013
Thanks lisina -- I count myself lucky!
aargersi August 7, 2013
Yay! Congrats! Love the photo(s)
EmilyC August 8, 2013
Thanks Abbie! We've got lots of tractor wheels pics -- we take them each time we visit my parents' farm and they become a marker of how much the kids have grown!
hardlikearmour August 7, 2013
Congratulations, EmC! The photo of you and your daughter echoes the photo of the pandowdy in a really cool fashion.
EmilyC August 8, 2013
Thanks HLA -- and I hadn't noticed that about the photos but you're right!
creamtea August 7, 2013
Congratulations, Emily! Growing up we had a family joke about Apple Pandowdy, and we'd all giggle endlessly anytime anyone mentioned it. But your peach-blueberry version sounds seriously yummy.
EmilyC August 8, 2013
Thanks creamtea! : )
Kukla August 7, 2013
Congratulations, Emily! Well deserved win!
EmilyC August 8, 2013
Thanks so much, Kukla!
Kitchen B. August 7, 2013
Congratulations - I've learnt of a new dessert. Pandowdy!!! Sounds superb. Off to read the recipe....
EmilyC August 8, 2013
Thanks KB! Pandowdy is relatively new to me, too -- it's now a favorite!
drbabs August 7, 2013
Congratulations, Emily!
EmilyC August 8, 2013
Thanks Barbara!
healthierkitchen August 7, 2013
congrats Emily, on your beautiful pandowdy! I love that word...
EmilyC August 8, 2013
Me too! Thanks Wendy!