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July 1, 2019
I'm grateful you included the link for PETA's website about the cruelty these complex, sentient beings endure for our pleasure. I'm done taking part in this cruel ritual. Why are my needs and wants any greater or of any higher priority than another living creature? Certainly, they are not.
Dave K.
May 27, 2017
Being born and raised in New England I've always known that lobsters can feel pain. In the winter they leave the coastal areas for the warmer water in the Gulf Stream. If they didn't feel pain then why would they do that? Also in the 50s when I was a kid we could buy a bushel of the bodies without the tails or claws fo 50 cents. My parents and friends would buy several bags and take them to our friend's summer farm in NH. They would put them in the middle of a table and marticoulsly pick the meat out of the bodies and knuckles with a cold beer. Made fantastic lobster rolls for all.
A C.
September 4, 2013
We tried the yoga method last week in Maine with two 3.5 lb fiesty lobsters. The first one, who was kicking and screaming with huge claws, zoned out in seconds and never moved after that. The second one went with a fight but eventually got there. It was the most amazing thing to see them go from crazy to relaxed in seconds. We left them in the sink for 15 minutes and they moved a little going into the pot but settled right down. The soft shells who didn't do yoga almost pulled the lid off. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it and we have the pictures to prove it! Definitely try it - it's our go-to method from now on!
Nina U.
August 22, 2013
To cook it like lobster fishermen do in Nova Scotia add a four to five inch of eel grass (found along many Maritime beaches) and an inch or two water to a large pot (stock pot size) with a lid. Get the water boiling. The eel grass will add natural sea salt and act as rack keeping the lobster out of the boiling water so they stream. This sometime done on the nearest beach over a drift wood fire. We used to stop on the shore to pick up eel grass after we bought the lobster on the wharf on the way home.
August 21, 2013
So wonderful to have found this site!! Great to know some folks have the same questions and others have answers!
August 21, 2013
Thank you all for the great suggestions! I do love whole lobster Kenzi but I got a great deal on 20 so I broke them down, cleaned & roasted the bodies for stock & froze the tails in shells for cooking a few at a time. Yes I know that's a crime to do to fresh lobster --but we can't eat 20!) BBQ sounds great to try! But if I steam just tails from 1-1/4 pounders does 5 min sound about right?
Kenzi W.
August 21, 2013
It does! And to be sure, just take the tail's temperature -- lobster meat is done when it registers 135° F.
August 21, 2013
I recently used a pressure cooker on lobsters who had spent some time in the cooler. Thrashing was minimized, and the bugs cooked quickly, but I did have to cook them one at a time.
August 21, 2013
Is there a minutes per pound rule for steaming? Or a way to tell my lobster is done? I've cooked lobsters up to 5 lbs, and had to guess. Thanks!
Kenzi W.
August 21, 2013
Yep! I mention 8-10 minutes for every 1 1/4 pounds to 1 1/2 pounds in the post. Another trick my grandmother taught me is that they're done when the antennae pull out fairly easily. A caveat, though: she likes hers cooked a bit more than I do.
August 21, 2013
Truly love bbq lobster. Cut the lobster in half lengthwise (I know it's cruel and I still find it hard to do but it will die instantly and next time I will hypnotize it first). Cook them over a bbq with the meat side down first and then turn around. Depending on size it should take a couple of minutes on each side. You should be able to see when they are done. Put them on a plate and drizzle some hollandaise or 'beurre blanc' over them for an even bigger flavor explosion. The shells make for an excellent bisque too.
August 21, 2013
Suppose you only want to steam the tails... How long? I keep over cooking them!
Kenzi W.
August 21, 2013
Are you breaking down lobsters to cook only their tails? Or are you buying just the tails? I'd recommend just cooking them whole and breaking them down after they're cooked -- there's so much goodness in the whole lobster, and you can reuse the shells to make stock!
August 20, 2013
Lobsters are a tasty, albeit messy, treat. Here's a tip: After cooking, snip off the tips of the claws with kitchen shears and let the accumulated liquid drain out. I concur with steaming not boiling. Save the carcass/shells for stock which makes a mean risotto or bisque.
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