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November 24, 2015
I'm from Florida and everybody (so it seems) has one of those flip flops with an opener on the bottom of the shoe. Pretty ingenious, until you walk on someone's nice wooden floors and scratch the hell out of them. Also, one friend swore off of them when he opened a bottle in the dark, not realizing that he'd stepped in dog shit and it got around the rim...lets say he swallowed about a gallon of ocean water trying to get the taste out. ???? Me, I stick to the tried-and-true method of using a countertop or bench and banging the cap off.
Megan T.
May 20, 2015
My husband uses his wedding ring and it works like a charm every time (until he bruised his finger showing off his newly acquired skill last summer!). My father in law has always used a water bottle/empty bottle to open beers in a pinch, which has always come in handy while on boat rides or on a beach. It's always interesting to see the variation in what people use to open their beers!
May 25, 2015
I have also used my wedding ring, it does hurt though!
My wife doesn't appreciate the trick either...lol
My wife doesn't appreciate the trick either...lol
May 6, 2015
A friend and I went with the 'slam it open on a counter' method where, if you haven't seen this done, involves placing the cap ridge on the edge of something and slamming down on the bottle with your hand to pop it off. Unfortunately for us, our edge was a brick wall... and we just ended up slamming the whole neck of the bottle off in the process. Bricks are much less forgiving than dorm room desks.
November 24, 2015
I do this method too, but learned the lesson of not doing it against soft surfaces like laminate or veneer. There are a couple countertops that look like someone took a bite out of them. Oops.
Karthik K.
June 14, 2014
Bottled Water works fine for this. The rim just beneath the cap is perfect for opening up beer bottles. Just that the sudden "pop" action almost always makes the Beer froth and flow out.
Robyn W.
March 12, 2014
The aussie way is to hold the bottle with one hand about halfway down and place the edge of the cap on the edge of a bench (or any other flat surface), then bang down hard on top of the cap with the other hand. Works a treat everytime! No tools required
September 23, 2013
It´s common in Denmark to open bottles like that when you'r at a party. I have seen people open bottles with lighters, keys, a folded up newspaper and many others things. In highschool it was kinda embarrassing that I didn't know how to do it, but have since learn it. I agree with savorthis, I too feel kinda badass when I do it.
September 19, 2013
It’s an easier dilemma to find yourself in then you would think; and the same goes for being taunted by a bottle of wine without a cork screw. http://75-and-sunny.com/2013/07/10/in-case-of-emergency/
Ileana M.
September 17, 2013
No beer bottle tricks up my sleeve, but we once used a hammer and a bent nail to open a bottle of wine.
September 17, 2013
Used to use my teeth, but have thankfully stopped doing that now. Down to my last 3 precious, pearly whites. (Aka it hurt like hell)
September 13, 2013
This is great in a pinch, but be careful! A friend recently had to have a bunch of stitches after the spoon slipped and tore into the skin between his thumb and first finger. Ouch! (He won't tell us how many beers he'd already had at this point :-)
September 12, 2013
I have used my drawer handles in the kitchen. The long kind. Gotta do what ya gotta do sometimes.
September 12, 2013
I have to say opening a beer with whatever sturdy object is available always makes me feel like a badass. Right in line with operating power tools.
September 12, 2013
My hubby opens a bottle of beer with another bottle of beer. He turns one upside down and uses the lid to flip the other lid off. He can even do it with an empty if he puts the bottle cap back on. He's faster with 2 bottles than I am with a bottle opener (I think it speaks to the amount of practice he's had...)
September 12, 2013
Our friend Rey uses his wedding ring. The car-door latch-hole (what is that actually called?) also works. MrsLarkin - my hubby has Reefs! Be prepared. Like a drunken boy scout.
September 12, 2013
omg abbie it was like the heavens shone down, and on the 3rd day of a baseball losing streak, God created these flip flops.
P.S. A paint can opener works great, too. That's my tool of choice.
P.S. A paint can opener works great, too. That's my tool of choice.
September 12, 2013
The door latch on my Subaru has been used an embarrassing number of times for this since I stopped smoking. I'm also fond of the picnic table bench approach -- or if you're at a park w/the straight sided grills, you can knock it off with those.
tim H.
September 12, 2013
Y'all should check out this for more "useful" bottle opening tricks: http://vimeo.com/42674279
September 12, 2013
Very cool. One of the dads on my son's baseball team has these, and they are awesome. http://amzn.com/B000KMK7DI
Amanda H.
September 12, 2013
Thanks, Mike! How have I made it this far in life without this life-saving gem? Want to come to our next party to do a demo?
Mike D.
September 12, 2013
No problem Amanda, always happy to share the only thing I actually learned in college. For what its worth, i believe I was giving impromptu demos while I was unofficially manning the Strongbow station at your last Piglet party. Or is Strongbow twist off? I kinda forget, I was drinking a lot of Strongbow at the time.
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