The Piglet—inspired by The Morning News' Tournament of Books—is where the 16 most notable cookbooks of the year face off in a NCAA-style bracketed tournament. Watch the action and weigh in on the results!
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February 19, 2014
Great review. Pretty tricky of the publishers to shrink wrap the book so you can't browse. Thanks for the warning.
February 19, 2014
haha, loved this review! I was actually quite surprised that Coi was coming out with a cookbook based on what I know of the restaurant--- so I appreciate the confirmation, this is NOT a cookbook :)
February 19, 2014
Good review! I took my husband to Coi a couple of years ago and I thought the food was beautiful, but too thoughtful. My husband thought it was too precious. I have made my own coffee roasted carrots which make a great side dish...his carrots at Coi would just be a little bite, as it is with all of his dishes. (
February 19, 2014
Coi is a very small elegant restaurant on Broadway in the midst of former strip clubs. The food is good, but small, small portions. One block down the street is Cotogna (sister restaurant of Quince) which is one of my favorite restaurants in SF.
February 19, 2014
Great review! This is not a cookbook! Seems like a lot of memoir / essay type books in the Piglet CPs this year - but good reading nevertheless
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