A question about a recipe: Crimson Bulleit Punch

I have a question about the ingredient " Domaine de Canton Ginger Liquer" on the recipe "Crimson Bulleit Punch" from Oui, Chef. I can't locate the product in my area. What can I use as a substitute? Thank you!

Texas Ex
Crimson Bulleit Punch
Recipe question for: Crimson Bulleit Punch


Oui, C. December 13, 2011
Sorry I missed your question when it posted a few days ago. I think hardlikearmour and Greenstuff have the right approach here, a simple syrup infused with fresh ginger would get you pretty close. Please let us know how it turns out.
hardlikearmour December 9, 2011
I agree with Greenstuff - perhaps make the ginger syrup from inpatskitchen's tribute to woody and use it in place of the Domain de Canton (which is quite sweet, and not overly boozy.) I'd probably start with 1/4 part of the ginger syrup, then add more to taste.
Greenstuff December 9, 2011
Too bad, as it's delicious! If you could make a little ginger syrup, you could add that in. Just a little for the ginger flavor.
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