Finger food ideas for a mother-daughter girl scout morning? They'll have plenty of muffins and cookies, so I've been asked for something savoury. Don't want to get too fancy or ornate for a room full of 7-10 year olds, some of whom consider anything involving fresh herbs unimaginably (and inediblely) exotic, but I do have my pride...Also, did I say they're expecting 109 people?
Here in SA they make biltong, mostly out of beef, sometimes buck (aka, deer-like animals), and often from ostrich, but emu are restricted to those antipodean descendants-of-convicts!
A good biltong is a thing of beauty: nicely spiced and air dried, thick (1") strips of beef, you select your piece (I like mine on the 'moist' side) and then they slice it for you.
Too bad the USDA is so touchy about uncooked meat products from abroad or I'd offer send you some...
Now I suppose I could get an early start on it and send them in freshly baked...maybe do pigs in a blanket using biscuit dough and either bacon or, I could cook off a bunch of de-skinned italian sausage and stick some of that inside. Maybe a veg version using the ever popular mushroom/leek saute?
and another Q: is there a kitchen where the event is being held?
Loving all these ideas, BUT as a former Girl Scout Leader and Pancake Breakfast planner extraordinaire, Kayb's pigs/sausage in a blanket would be the only thing the 7 - 10 yr olds would eat, at least the Girl Scouts here in NY would.
So, seeing as you'd have difficulty acquiring said pigs/sausages, and you'd be sending the stuff in the day before, I'd do a savory scone/biscuit (like, say, bacon/cheese, hold the green stuff) that whoever is manning the kitchen can warm up prior to serving (or not.) Kids love bread!
But since muffins are already on the menu, it might be too many bread-y things. So there goes my fabulous idea out the window.
I bet betteirene will have some tricks up her sleeve.
Good luck!!
1) Whatever I do, I'm doing the day before and just sending in, so no crepe station! Mom and grandma are going to this little function, I might just go to the gym...
2) I had been contemplating a frittata/quiche thing. Was eyeing the non-stick mini-muffin pans at the supermarket today and wondering if they'd come out easily if I did in those with no crust. Just did some in some ready-made 3" short crust shells, but don't really want to shell out for too many of those (groan...), and really, they're too big, I think. Thoughts?
3) I remember the tortilla/cream cheese thing as being cream cheese and chopped olives. Not a bad idea, but would have to think about something to do with it, I mean contrasting green and black olives make some variety, but not sure if it's enough for me. Maybe do some with hummus and red peppers? Kind of trashy middle-eastern...hmm... Tortillas, BTW, are easy for me to come by. baby bagels, not so.
4) drbabs, kind of like the spinach fillo idea, but not a big fillo fan. BTW, if you put a period after a link, it breaks the link. Better to have separate or in parentheses.
5) Torn on the pigs-in-a-blanket using biscuit dough. Love the idea of up-grading this classic, but just not great sausage availability here (South Africa), especially not small ones. And, both here and in the UK 'sausage rolls' are ALWAYS at these sorts of events--bland sausage meat wrapped in puff pastry and served cold. Yuck. Some bad associations for me...
Thanks and keep em coming, I'm enjoying this!
ditto polenta squares and foccacia, again baked in a sheet pan and topped with some melted cheese and bacon.
- Savory crepes are easy. Just make the batter the night before and do a topping buffet. Kids will have fun with that.
- Sausage gravy and biscuits. Will require some explaining, but it's an easy sell.
- Grillades and grits because it'll be fun when one person says wow and gets others to try it!!!