Good morning fellow perps. I'm committed to fulfilling one of my New Years' resolutions and that is to try my hand at making bagels from scratch. I have Peter Reinhart's THE BREAD BAKER'S APPRENTICE at hand and one of the key ingredients is barley malt. As added incentive I now would also like to make Tom Colicchio's parker house rolls as described in the current issue of Saveur. That to also calls for barley malt. I already have an unopened jar on hand and am wondering if any of you have baked with it before?

  • Posted by: pierino
  • November 14, 2010


lapadia November 15, 2010
I went through a "bagel making" stage and used non-diastatic malt powder (from King Arthur)...with great success:
happycao November 15, 2010
does that mean I wouldn't be able to replace molasses for barley malt, or if I did would I just use less?
SallyCan November 14, 2010
For AJ~ as the one in my family who demands the "featherbeads", be forewarned: be careful, and don't veer too off the featherbed path, lest you stray too far, and never hear the end of it. Mess with the Parker House Rolls all you want~God knows they're not "featherbeds" and need some help. Actually, though I think that the refrigerator rolls would be marvelous with the addition of some barley malt. (Now shall you post the "featherbeds" or shall I?)
SallyCan November 14, 2010
I've use Eden Organic barley malt in bagels and bread. It adds a subtle depth to the flavor, and is nice when paired with 1/4 to 1/3 flour ratio of barley flour, and also works well in rye breads. For rolls, honey-wheat style, I'd go with a little more barley malt and a fine mill-ground wheat or multi-grain flour, for traditional parker-house style rolls, I'd use less barley malt and barley flour, but don't count on it as a substitute for sweetener, as it's thicker and not so sweet. I'm not familiar with your bagel recipe, but the trick to the bagels is to form them and let them sit, refrigerated, overnight~just as you do with that pizza crust of yours ;)
Mr_Vittles November 14, 2010
I have made bagels many times with barley malt syrup. I too bought mine from Whole Foods and I have used CHOW's recipe to make them with great success. I would completely recommend making bagels with malt syrup as it adds a wonderful depth of flavor and nice chewy texture. Don't forget to boil them!
AntoniaJames November 14, 2010
You should take a look at the comments on the Saveur site about this recipe, which apparently has some errors in it, as originally published. Or at least that's what quite a few people who tried the recipe (some more than once) think. Someone called theheritagecook seems to have found the right workarounds. Interesting that the recipe only calls for a teaspoon of barley malt. I'm inclined just to use my mother's Parker House rolls recipe -- also acceptable to the clamoring masses, as is any recipe used regularly by "Granny," provided that it's perfectly executed, but that's not a problem here -- and sub in some barley malt for the sweetener called for in that recipe. Stay tuned. ;o)
pierino November 14, 2010
AJ, I'm reasonably sure I bought the barley malt at a Whole Foods. Coincidentally it happens to be the same lable pictured in Colicchio's Saveur recipe. But then, I haven't been out there actively shopping barley malt. But I'm eager to try both bagels and parkers. Game face on.
AntoniaJames November 14, 2010
Hey, while we're on the topic, pierino, where did you source the barley malt? I've just reserved that Reinhart book at the library and am now seriously on a mission. Am also going to check out the Parker House rolls recipe, though I could incite a riot in these parts if I don't make "Granny's Featherbeds." We don't have many rules about what goes on the T-Day table, but the one rule that has survived the test of time is, "It doesn't matter what else you serve, Mother, as long as you make Granny's Featherbeds." Will probably make Colichio's rolls for the days after T-Day. Thank you. ;o)
pierino November 14, 2010
Thank you my friends. Perhaps this could be a food52 theme some week; your best home made bagel. Oy vay! Now I just have to fulfill my resolution.
AntoniaJames November 14, 2010
This conversation is interesting! While living on the East Coast not far from NYC, which they visited often, my sons both developed quite an appreciation for the real thing. Neither will touch a bagel made west of the Hudson (or too far east of it, either, for that matter). I can feel a project coming on . . . . . when they're home for the December holidays! Yippeeeee. ;o)
iuzzini November 14, 2010
Yep! And the bagels were delicious- had that great depth of flavor that NYC bagels have- (I'm from Brooklyn but living in Indiana so these bagels were much much better than anything I could purchase here . . . now if only I could get some good appetizing to go with them . . .). If I recall correctly, I think that the amount of time I boiled the bagels seemed to have the greatest impact on how hard the crust was. I look forward to hearing how this venture turns out for you- I was pleasantly surprised with my results!
innoabrd November 14, 2010
Nope, but I have made bagels without it and they were pretty good. You wouldn't believe how many places in the world sell un-boiled doughnut-shaped bread rolls and call them bagels...
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