garlic toast

i have the recipe and its made, but i do not know what temp and how long to put in oven? should i wrap it in tin foil first, also?

  • Posted by: rplum
  • December 27, 2011


rplum December 27, 2011
thank you!
Megan,Tremer December 27, 2011
I have done garlic bread at 350 for 20-30 min in foil. For toast you might do that plus open it up to broil for 1-2 min afterward. Watch closely to avoid burning on broil!
Mlc1977 December 27, 2011
If you want soft garlic bread wrap it up in foil and cook it at a lower temp like 350 for 20ish minutes. If you want crunchy toast crank it up under the broiler and watch it carefully until browned and ready. Best I can do without the recipe.
rplum December 27, 2011
its from a Bobby Flay cookbook....french just does not have temp and time. i will ad lib, but was wondering of you could give me a rough estimate of time and temp. thanks .

Merrill S. December 27, 2011
Can you provide a link to the recipe you're asking about?
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