Received some fennel pollen as part of my Secret Santa, recipes, please?

Cookinginvictoria sent fennel pollen from her garden as part of my Secret Santa gift (fave gift besides the company of family and friends). I've never cooked with fennel pollen, and want to use it wisely. What do you use fennel pollen for? Where do you get your recipes? I am a working mom and don't cook elaborately.



nasilemak December 29, 2011
I add them towards the end of roasting a duck or pork. Also sprinkle them on yogurt along with a drizzle of honey.
Author Comment
If you make jam, there's a wonderful recipe for fig preserves with honey and wild aromatics on Kevin West's blog, Saving the Season: One of the commenters suggests using it in risotto. I Googled "fennel pollen recipes" and there was a pretty good return. Here are some of the top ones, but you might want to peruse the listing for yourself:

Bon appetit!
WeLike2Cook December 28, 2011
We received some from Marx Foods and used it to make creme brulee - You might also try their web site at for more ideas.
luvcookbooks December 29, 2011
interested but the romeocucina link didn't work ...
pierino December 28, 2011
Lucky you! Fennel pollen is one of my secret weapons and it's hard to find. Here's my recipe for Mr. Pig
luvcookbooks December 29, 2011
Oh my ... lucky me is right! Thanks. I am just recovering from a pernil (Puerto Rican Pork Shoulder) but will keep this in mind when I am ifnished detoxing from the holidays ... come to think of it, maybe the holidays aren't over yet. :)
chef N. December 28, 2011
A good way to use fennel pollen would be to incorporate into a soup or pasta! I would use it in a cream sauce of some sort start off by sautéing two cloves of minced garlic I shallot sliced and chirrizzo on medium heat for 3-4 min or until the shallot has become translucent, next add some grape tomatoes and pancetta about 1/4 cup each keep in mind seasoning all of this with your favorite spices cumin and coriander work well along side of the chirrizzo. After sautéing the tomatoes and pancetta add 1/4 white wine to deglaze and then add 3/4 c cream after the wine has reduced half way. Let te cream simmer for 6-8 min the. Add your favorite noodles ( farfalie would be fun for family occasions) hope you enjoy!!
luvcookbooks December 29, 2011
When do I put in the fennel pollen, Chef?
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