Amanda's peach tart

I believe this may have been asked before, but I am having trouble getting to the recipe: If I substitute either pears or apples for the peaches in the tart, should I saute the fruit first? bake it for longer? If I should bake it longer than called for, how much longer?

  • Posted by: ATG117
  • December 29, 2011


ATG117 December 30, 2011
Understandable. Thanks again!
ATG117 December 29, 2011
Thanks all, and thanks Amanda for the link. It worked, but I've been getting the chocolate baguette a lot lately. I think I am going to go for the pears, though I have frozen blueberries so considering that too.
Amanda H. December 29, 2011
Yes, too many chocolate baguettes all around. It's a bug and we're working on it but it's like whack-a-mole.
gingerroot December 29, 2011
I've also made it with pears, three different times (varying stages of ripeness) and have always just followed the original directions, including Amanda's note about an extra T of flour for riper fruit. The only changes I've made were with the spices - I've added ground cardamom and ginger...Delicious!
Amanda H. December 29, 2011
Here's the link -- please let me know if it works:
drbabs December 29, 2011
I made it with pears and I didn't saute the fruit first. It may have taken a little longer, but only 5 minutes or so. My pears were really soft. I'd probably saute apples first if I were going to make it with apples.
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